
Alright so sorry about not responding for a while but my semester was jam packed. I'm currently taking a condensed class until the end of june so I will have some more free time to start planning and hopefully writing again because I really do want to finish A vampire always... That doesn't mean I'll be updating each week but I will try to update a s much as I can, after my final at the end of june I will be free to put all my effort and time into the story. Thanks for all the great comments, it's great motivation seeing you're reactions and feelings. Thanks for all the love and support guys!!


Alright so sorry about not responding for a while but my semester was jam packed. I'm currently taking a condensed class until the end of june so I will have some more free time to start planning and hopefully writing again because I really do want to finish A vampire always... That doesn't mean I'll be updating each week but I will try to update a s much as I can, after my final at the end of june I will be free to put all my effort and time into the story. Thanks for all the great comments, it's great motivation seeing you're reactions and feelings. Thanks for all the love and support guys!!


Okay so my schedule in the last month with finals and trying to get into my summer class have been crazy so I will have an answer by tomorrow if I'm in the class and when and how often I can update. Sorry about being MIA for so long but university does that. Thanks guys for all the amazing comments they really are motivating to start writing again and finish A Vampires Always