
I love that the last thing I wrote on this account was "I'm tired" like dude. it sounds like I was so tired I went into hibernation XD 
          	update: I'm still tired. 
          	I added something to my witchcraft book.  Just another update, but more information will be there soon. 
          	Have a great day!


I love that the last thing I wrote on this account was "I'm tired" like dude. it sounds like I was so tired I went into hibernation XD 
          update: I'm still tired. 
          I added something to my witchcraft book.  Just another update, but more information will be there soon. 
          Have a great day!


What are your "chicken noodle soup" words? (words that make you happy, feel like you had a nice bowl of chicken noodle soup (or whatever your warm comfort dish is, and if there is like vegan chicken noodle soup, ok wait, I'm rambling!) 
          mine are:
          I have more, but these are just a few. Lemme know yours


Hey y'all, how is your weekend? mine is great! I got the last two kotlc books so I get to read, which is good for the soul ✨and a new sketchbook since I finished the last. (good for my spirit) and I am learning how to do good watercoloring. I'm still quite awful at it but, hey, that's ok. I can get better. I got a new haircut, and I am going to go for a walk around one of the lakes near my home tmrw. I can't wait to hear about you guys' weekend.