
Hi, it's been a while. I managed to catch up on a years worth of notifications (I don't know what unnatural force compelled me to even log in), to clear some things up for the people that were trying to find me on AO3, I took my profile down and orphaned my work. I haven't written anything since ages ago now and I kinda feel like I did a lot of my followers dirty, especially the ones that were looking forward to All About Cherry. 
          	Now, this is not to say that I will be returning and completing All About Cherry, I don't really have access to my plans, graphics and everything else regarding my books - I deleted that when I quit. BUT, I am thinking about it. A lot of growing up has taken place since I've been gone and I feel like I would need to rebuild the story from ground up if I were going to start writing again.
          	Thank you to everyone who left kind messages and checked in with me over time (even though I wasn't able to read your messages at the time, I truly appreciate your support). 
          	I don't really know why I'm here, and I don't want to leave you with any false promises, but let me know what your thoughts are, I'm always eager to listen. My messages are open for people who wish to talk. I've been going through a lot of mental issues, and while I am getting better now, I still have a long way to go.
          	Nice seeing you again, 'til next time, if there's next time.


It's really good to see you back. I wish you all the best for your future. I've loved reading your books and I'm looking forward to reading more of your work if you do post new books. 


I am really glad that you are better now! I always look for „All About Cherry“ from time to time and would be happy if you decide to continue writing it or start over again but no pressure! Just do what makes you happy and always put yourself and your own health first!


I literally miss reading your work but no worries if you ever come back I’ll still be here 


Hi, it's been a while. I managed to catch up on a years worth of notifications (I don't know what unnatural force compelled me to even log in), to clear some things up for the people that were trying to find me on AO3, I took my profile down and orphaned my work. I haven't written anything since ages ago now and I kinda feel like I did a lot of my followers dirty, especially the ones that were looking forward to All About Cherry. 
          Now, this is not to say that I will be returning and completing All About Cherry, I don't really have access to my plans, graphics and everything else regarding my books - I deleted that when I quit. BUT, I am thinking about it. A lot of growing up has taken place since I've been gone and I feel like I would need to rebuild the story from ground up if I were going to start writing again.
          Thank you to everyone who left kind messages and checked in with me over time (even though I wasn't able to read your messages at the time, I truly appreciate your support). 
          I don't really know why I'm here, and I don't want to leave you with any false promises, but let me know what your thoughts are, I'm always eager to listen. My messages are open for people who wish to talk. I've been going through a lot of mental issues, and while I am getting better now, I still have a long way to go.
          Nice seeing you again, 'til next time, if there's next time.


It's really good to see you back. I wish you all the best for your future. I've loved reading your books and I'm looking forward to reading more of your work if you do post new books. 


I am really glad that you are better now! I always look for „All About Cherry“ from time to time and would be happy if you decide to continue writing it or start over again but no pressure! Just do what makes you happy and always put yourself and your own health first!


I literally miss reading your work but no worries if you ever come back I’ll still be here 


Hi, somehow managed to log in. I just wanted to say that I no longer write. I'm going through a lot of change in my life and I'm rediscovering myself and what I really want to do. The journey here has been amazing, and I can't thank you all for your support, this will be my last message for the foreseeable future. Writing genuinely became more of a burden and source of discontent and unhappiness than a source of happiness. Maybe I will eventually get back to it, but nothing is certain. Thank you so so god damn much for years of continuous support, you all are awesome.
          Take care my fellow home of sexuals. It has been a good run.


@winterhx I can't find you there..


@winterhx what's your a03 username ?


you and your work will be missed 


Hey guys! I hope you had a great holiday season, and I hope that the start of your 2022 was great.
          I would like to announce that I will no longer be posting on Wattpad after 6 years of being active, and I'll be moving my future works to AO3 (Archive of Our Own). I fell out of love with this platform a long time ago, and I have a lot of gripes with the text formatting.  Therefore, I will be going dormant on this account, my previous work will stay up indefinitely, however, anything new I write will be on my AO3 profile (winterhex).
          As for All About Cherry, I'm expecting to take the current nine (one not published) chapters and editing them to fit my current writing habits sometime in the future and moving everything to AO3. I will no longer post new chapters on Wattpad. 
          If you have any questions, please do let me know. I am grateful for every opportunity this platform has provided me, and I hope you enjoyed reading my work and watching me grow not only as a person but an author over the years.
          Until next time!


I also can’t find u on AO3-


I can't find you on AO3


@just_4_reads  same . Even i couldn't find it .


I already have my next one-shot in mind and I'm probably going to write it out soon.
          I do have to say though, being able to write casual stories, even if it's porn, is really relaxing after literal 5 years of having to commit to long stories and plotlines.
          Thanks for the kind words on my first one-shot, hope you guys enjoyed! 
          Up next: two big muscle tigers. (sorry I'm just a furry mess lmao)