
Guys, it’s about to be 2019, and this month marks my 6 years on Wattpad. Although there were periods of time when I wasn’t active, I really can’t believe it has been that long but I am so glad that I found this website. It really is such a great website. I’m turning 21 soon and I’ve been on here since I was 14, maybe 13. Wow, that’s insane. Now my 13 and 14 yr old sisters have this application and they’re writing on it. I love that they also enjoy this app like I did, and still do. Okay, nostalgia time over. I hope everyone has a great New Year’s! 


Guys, it’s about to be 2019, and this month marks my 6 years on Wattpad. Although there were periods of time when I wasn’t active, I really can’t believe it has been that long but I am so glad that I found this website. It really is such a great website. I’m turning 21 soon and I’ve been on here since I was 14, maybe 13. Wow, that’s insane. Now my 13 and 14 yr old sisters have this application and they’re writing on it. I love that they also enjoy this app like I did, and still do. Okay, nostalgia time over. I hope everyone has a great New Year’s! 


I’ve been very busy, working and my sleeping schedule is very messed up. BUT(T) i am still here. intro is nearly finished. but then again, I’m a perfectionist so it will never be finished to me. so let us just say, this draft is nearly finished. (^:


Hello, my children.   It’s been TWO YEARS since I have been on here and actually stayed. and let me tell you, I’M HERE TO THRIVE.  I’m revising my story, Virile Doyen! It’s RUFF but I never realized it had gotten over 400 reads! WOW, I didn’t see that coming when I began writing it. Things are about to change and you are about to see my true potential shine thru BABY. I will LET YOU KNOW wHeN i Get the first three chapters back up. It will definitely be more lengthy and ~sadly~ there is more introduction BUT it’s necessary. I didn’t have enough setting and it needs more background. I have already started and I’m feeling so good writing again.  


this message may be offensive
So, I cut up some jalapeño peppers earlier and they made my hands burn outrageously and this burning cannot be soothed and has yet to quit. It began THREE hours ago. For the sake of your hands, use GLOVES if you handle spicy shit like jalapeño peppers. D: