
New part up for the new and improved Broadway, Baby! I'm back! I hope you guys like it!


hi guys! sorry it's me again, this cast members thing is just killing me! real quick multiple choice:
          do you want all cast members to be:
          a) all Broadway
          b) actresses (TV// film)
          c) older than the characters ACTUALLY are (for example, Corey Cott playing a high schooler XD odd as that sounds)
          d) none of the above! no cast members! (this allows you guys to visualize who you want for each character) 
          this is really bothering me so please please PLEASE give me feedback!


hey guys! so I have a couple things I want you guys to help me with!
          A) I'm thinking of deleting my story "Living the Disney Life..." as sad as it makes me because I love that story, it's kinda lost its juice if you know what I mean. please let me know if u think I should continue it or leave it up!
          B) For my ongoing story "Broadway, Baby" I want to recast the characters... like the cast members. Please leave suggestions! I want them to all have singing/dancing/Broadway background. 
          Thank you guys so much!