
ok guys 
          	i have not updated brocken picies and kidnappers pet in like forever. school has started back up for me so i have way less time now :( i have started the next chapter for both and i will try and publis them by the 20th of November or soner


Hi eve! thank you for following! and ive added your stick and stones in my library xD Can't wait to read your work!  Hope to hear from you soon! 


I haven't think abt it yet bcs i still need to improve my vocab as well and i still got 3 papers left.  so i need to focus on that first. It'll take a long time for me to write. So naah..maybe one day. I'll read yours first :D


@zratsya r u going to be writting anything? coz i u are i will definitely read it


Oh you're welcome. Take it as my continuous support for you to write ok? Wow cool! We have things in common ;)


ok guys 
          i have not updated brocken picies and kidnappers pet in like forever. school has started back up for me so i have way less time now :( i have started the next chapter for both and i will try and publis them by the 20th of November or soner