
Hello, I've published the first part of the new short called RHODE. I hope you enjoy it and know that all my stories are on AO3 if you're interested. The link is in my bio. 


I need more english Jenlisa's story (Lisa G!p). When you post on AO3 please notify/invite us. Wanna read your stories.


@mandumanoban_16 I see, I have checked the link and everything seems to be in place. You can search for 'ShakeXtar a03' on Google and you will find the profile. I am also leaving the link here: https://archiveofourown.org/users/ShakeXtar/profile


@wickedjaded I tried to open your bio but when I'm on AO3 I try to read your stories there but AO3 returns me to wattpad so I thought you didn't have any stories on AO3. When I try to click on your account on AO3 it takes me back to wattpad. So maybe my apps are the problem but thank you for clarifying.


@mandumanoban_16 Hello, I didn't quite understand what you meant, but I'll tell you two things to see if I can answer your question. I actually publish everything on AO3, and yes, I don't usually notify here when I post there, but just so you know, I do. Both here and there, as well as on the platform called Inkitt. I will try to notify here when I post on AO3, but just so you know, all my fanfics are already there. The link is in my profile.


I'm going to delete all the stories from Wattpad and move them to AO3 permanently, for two reasons: the supposed new rules and because I can't live with the anxiety of them deleting weeks/months of work and all the time I've put into this. So, you'll find out here when I publish something over there. All the stories are already in English there, and I'll be gradually uploading them in Spanish as I'm also rewriting them.
          I have nothing else to say; Wattpad has been crap since 2021 when I left, and I don't want to feel afraid of them taking everything down anymore.
          All the content is already on AO3 in English.
          I apologize for the inconvenience, and hopefully you can adapt ♥