
I've been gone for a cool min....but trust I'll be back on Friday.


This is so hard; I'm freaking out. My writing is so different but not at the same time, if that makes sense. It's taking all of my self-control not to make any edits to the story.


That would be nice but it would take some time if you’re willing to wait? 


@whyisitspicy1 // how about complete rewrites or the story?? 


I finally finished the revisions of the first chapter of the fic I wrote in 2020, and there was so much! Misspelling, grammar issues, not proper punctuation. I didn't change anything other than that. The story is fully finished, so I'll update it every few days. On another note, the crossover I have the next chapter started. I need time to finish it and get started on the following outline.


How y’all feel if I posted a fully completed Naruto story that I wrote in 2020. It’s an OC tho ‍♀️ that other story in my profile. That’s the main character. (It’s also an alternate ending I made to that story) 


@whyisitspicy1 It's ok , as long as you're fine with it I don't mind reading it!


@flora719 It’s kinda cringe tho ~_~


@whyisitspicy1 Yesssss plzzzzzz!!!


So like last month, I made a post on Tumblr. (Go follow it. Many more updates on there.) Basically, saying I'm in writer's block and writing something new always helps. So I created something new called 12 Lovely memories for 12 lovely months. It's a Sanemi x reader if yall are interested. The point is that it is now my new obsession so like maybe a semi-long Hiatus cuz school just started too. But I'll come back as soon as I figure out how to write the next couple of chapters.


I got my first hate comment  it was on a different platform but still. I’m honestly glad I got it.  I know it’s impossible for everybody to like my story in the way I write it so this means I’m doing good for myself!


@whyisitspicy1 i like hate comments cuz i can tell ppl to STFU


I’m going to be honest I don’t know when I’m going to update. My co-writer is in charge of romance but they have things to do. Plus I’m not even in the country right now. So I don’t have wifi 24/7. But I’ll see what I can do.


Next weekend more likely then not I’ll have something done. Finals upon finals have been stacked in top of me. But now I’m half way done with a final and next week I’ll be presenting a large project that determines weather or not I get held back or not. But I’m confident in that area so I’m not worried I just haven’t had the time. Plus if I’m going to be honest…I’m stuck on where to go. I have Sakura’s ending planned out…now it’s just a matter of getting there. Anyways I’m so sorry for the wait and not keeping my word. I’ll get this chapter to be as long as I can write.