
I thought I was going to update Panty Problems but then life decided no. Sorry everyone, I'll try to get it updated asap!


I am so sorry I haven't updated. I'm currently being consumed with homework and scholarship essays so I haven't been able to really think about fanfics a lot. Umm, I also have a gf now so that's also been taking up my time. I also have a job on the weekends that takes up my time. And archery is happening so that's kind of important to me. I know these are just excuses but I'm trying really hard not to go over my data (I did that a lot when Pokémon go first came out) and now I'm just really drained bc of the US election. So, I apologize that my fics haven't updated but I'm trying my best to get back in the swing of things!


School's been back for 3 weeks now. I'm stressed and depressed and have no motivation to even sleep. I'm going to try my best to update a story by the end of the month hopefully. I'm sorry I haven't updated anything in a while, I'll try my best to get something out for you all!