
You know how some people get baby fever when they like really wanna have a kid. i think I’m having like hospital fever where i just reallllly wanna go inpatient at a mental hospital. Yayyyyy, depression.


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【Mood/Thoughts/News 】
          So, I dont know if anyone ever reads this shit but I need support rn. So for those who don't know I am very messed up. I have been to many different schools and have struggled to make friends. 2 years ago I finally found a school I love. I've had my ups and downs but overall I love it. At the end of this year (8th grade) I had an 'issue' with one of the staff. On August 2nd my mom told me the school had called saying 'I wasn't invited back'. This threw me into a deep depression. I'm scared I might have to go back to public school. I've always had a vision of the future but currently I don't. I'm not sure what the future holds but whatever happens, I hope it's good. I really don't have anyone to talk to about this, as my family would just make it worse. Please wish me well. 
          Much thanks,
          Mia Darlingxx


@Mia-Darling If you ever need to talk I'm always here