
hii! i don’t know if you’re ever going to see this but it’s a new year! i haven’t been on here for so long but i think this will be my last time actually but idk LMAOO anyways i just wanted to check up on you and make sure you were doing well, wish you the best! :))


@Levisanderenswifey Hi! I haven’t been on here much either. I’ve lost interest in some of the stories I used to read and I can’t find new ones to like. It’s nice to hear from you. Time moves so quick it’ll be almost three years since we first talked to each other. I hope you’re doing good as well and taking care of yourself! <3


hi!! i honestly forgot about wattpad until i saw something about it on my fyp and i realized that i kinda forgot to say happy new years & merry christmas ( if you celebrate ) to you, my bad school has been so stressful this year so i don’t really have time go on here lmaoo hope you’re doing well!! xx


@whatusernamedoiwant Happy late valentines! lmao me too there’s just not any good stories anymore it’s kinda sad


@Levisanderenswifey lmao I realized I really only come on here now to check up on you every once in a while.


@Levisanderenswifey I agree with you on school being stressful this year, I’m ready for it to be over. Happy Valentines Day, if you celebrate it, and if you do enjoy it with everyone you love and give love to yourself! <3


hi! sorry i haven’t touched wattpad in foreverrrrr, i hope you’re okay! i might not come back on wattpad for like another few months so my bad if i don’t reply to u lol


@Levisanderenswifey Sorry for the late reply, i’m not on here anymore cause of school. Thank you though (it’s ok I’m from the US as well, i don’t really celebrate it but i still eat on that day lol) and I hope you have a great 2023! Make sure you take care of yourself and if you can surround yourself with loving people. <3


sorry! i just saw this and i tried coming on here around thanksgiving time and i wanted to say happy thanksgiving but, i never had the time to so im kinda late but happy late thanksgiving! if u aren’t from the us or you just don’t celebrate it, sorry i don’t mean it in a rude wayyyyy!


@Levisanderenswifey omg I was just thinking about how you were doing the other day. I hope you’re doing good as well and taking care of yourself. No worries because I’m not going to be on here for a little bit either. <3


okok I think this will be the last time I leave this but, I hope you’re okay! And happy December!! i hope you’re doing great! I’m guessing you’re not active anymore lol


im doing good:) sorry I didn’t see this sooner I was watching a movie lol but come back if you want! it was really fun interacting with you too<33


Hiiii<3 I haven’t talked to you in so long! I deleted the app a couple months ago so I haven’t been on here and I wasn’t able to reply. I think I’m going to come back on here though, it was fun interacting with you. I’m doing good and Happy December as well! How are you doing? 


heyy! I haven’t really talked to you in a while so I want to make sure everything is ok and that you’re eating enough food and that you’re getting enough sleep :)) have a great day/night <33


awww thank you. i haven’t seen you in a while either. i’ll make sure i eat and drink some water. i’ll be back to pester you once school ends. make sure you eat, drink water, and take care of yourself as well. <333