
69 wink wonk


I don’t understand at least half of the girls reading boyxboy books on here. Like, if somebody says something misogynistic they’ll defend women (and I have absolutely no objection to that), but then they’ll attack every women they come across in that book, even if they’re a nice person. Like... tf?


Also, am I the only one who doesn’t care a lot about incest? Like yeah it freaks me out a bit, but like as long as the people in the relationship both consented to it and weren’t pressured or forced into it, I don’t see a lot wrong


I came out to my dad and it turns out he’s kinda homophobic :/


@BANGTANs___HOE___ I hope so, thank you <3


@whattspoppin don't worry I just think it came off as a shock to him and your mom will hopefully pile up some sense into him,give him some time and STAY POSITIVE GURL.BIs ARE VALID AND SO ARE YOU <3


@lgbteaaa So I basically told him I was bi and he was like “BiSeXUalS DoN’T ExIsT, PiCK A SiDe” and basically how we should go to hell blah blah. Anyways thank you <3 <3


I really hate when parents use the "I raised you and put clothes on your back excuse". I mean obviously I'm really grateful, I'm just saying you had a chance to throw me out and still do. You have a chance to put me up for adoption. You had a chance for an abortion. You are the one that decided to have me, even if I were a mistake, you had a choice of whether you wanted to keep me or not. And I'm not saying that everybody should abort, like some people feel uncomfortable with that and I'm not tryna impose on ur life, just there are a lot of ways you don't have to deal with me, but you didn't choose any of them, so that's your fault. Not mine.


            Exactly, even if we were mistakes, you literally have so many chances to get rid of us


i agree so much omg like they're the ones who brought us here we didn't ask them to give birth to us or even do anything with us they made us and they're the ones who didn't use proper protection and they're the ones who are responsible for us they had many options but they chose to keep us and they shouldn't make us feel guilty for something they are responsible for.


@idonotknowwho Exactly, and then they blame us for their problems