
hey guys, decided to revive this account and actually post stories and be active because i've missed wattpad <3 expect a story coming soon from me! 


          "I can do it! You just sit there and relax!" He waves a hand and goes to the kitchen. He gets the fries out and reads the back intently before staring at the oven.
          Ava rubs her small bump and sighs. "Today's been long. I'm tired."
          She turns her head and looks over at him. "After my dad checks the baby, can we take a nap?"


          Maeson snuggled into him and smiled. "I like that, our own little bubble."
          "Hey hey, I did not knock you up. This was a two person thing, so we both knocked you up." Easton chuckled and drove onto the road. "Your mother was more mad than he was, she's the one we should be really worried about." 


          "Yes, ma'am!" Greyson chuckles and wraps his arm around her, kissing the side of her head. "You're going to be okay. We'll have our own little bubble."
          "Yeah but you also knocked up his only teenage daughter." Ava reminds him. "Hell, he got mad when I didn't tell him I found my mate."


          "You better not be late to any of your own." Maeson narrowed her eyes. "Ugh I am so not looking forward to this." She mumbled.
          "Oh, I forgot about that." Easton rubbed his eyes and scratched his chest before starting up the car. "I man your dad's a pretty understanding guy I think it will go well."