
hhhhhhhhhh. I just found out that my crush isnt straight, shes bi, and i- I'm just so happy


I'm a high school girl. A high school girl who just realized she might totally have a crush on her totally straight best friend. A high school girl who has no idea how to deal with this bc this high school girl has never had a crush much less on her best friend


School just started for both me and my sister. I'm a high schooler and my sister is a college student. Today, my aunt and uncle had to drop off their toddler daughter at our house while they were busy with work and taking their cat to the vet. She's hella grumpy and at that stage where she just started taking less naps. Me and my sister (the only ones forced to babysit) are already really stressed with classes and homework. My cousin started being mean (from being grumpy) saying shut up and I hate you to me and my sister. We ended up screaming at each other (the first time in months) and now I'm in my room with a headache from crying. Just tryna vent. Ignore my annoyingness.


that was all pretty good advice, actually. I have to be good with children because my most of my aunts decided that these past 4 years was a great time to have a bunch of kids


Just ignore the child. Idk. Give it something to make her sleepy. Watch cartoons or glitter force or pokemon with her-


I think my voice cracked a bit when I was talking to a teacher lol-