
Am I the only one who is gay for road Kamelot from D. Gray-Man.


ATTENTION! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
          You have been chosen to be showered with love! So enjoy! Now paste this to everyone's message board who you think deserves all the love in the universe. If you get... 1 back= you are loved 3 back= you're popular 5 back= you're the most loveable person out there 9= I'm jealous ❤️✨❤️✨❤️✨❤️✨❤️


This is the only things I heard while sitting just out of my dad room right now.
          "Why did you pee in your shoe?" My dad asked my little brother who is almost 4.
          "Did you forget how to use the toilet?" My dad asked my little brother.
          "Yes, I forgot how to use the toilet!" My little brother said.
          "Why dont you eat naked, I mean your the one who peed on yourself?" My dad asked my little brother.
          What is wrong with my fammily... 


Me and my brother vent about our mother to eachother. He walked out of the house today and said "ready for tea time when I get home from work."


@weeb-child please tell me you get that.


Im turning 12 on sunday!!


this message may be offensive
@goddamn_weeb_lmaoo fucking pog yess!


@weeb-child dude thats so pog


@weeb-child Yay!!! I'm turning 13 this coming Saturday! 


(Not to be rude I'm just venting about this)
          Warning trigger such as self harm.
          Ynow people say "if you are struggling with keeping clean from self harm try putting a rubberband on your wrist and when you feel like self harming hit it against your skin." I tryed to do that but I got the rubberband tooken away from me by my freind. I was hitting it on my skin so hard I had red Mark's for hours.