
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀new message board above.


this is—      ..   awkward.


@2repnt,              you ride a motorcycle too?      [    a brow quirks upward,   but her silence was basically her own way of saying ‘yes’ to sean’s offer.    ]      and i haven’t done anything to help you,   why are you trying to help me? 


     ﹠̲. ⠀ @webfwip  ٫̷ ⠀ ⠀!!⠀ ݁         (      there’s a nod in understanding,          without mentioning it again he just follows her out;    a quick glance back is taken.      )         hate people like that.    i can fill it up for you if you need me to,    least i can do.


@2repnt,              [    her eyes land onto ‘said man’,    gwen’s heart quickening in its pace the moment she looked at him.   almost immediately,   the girl looks back at him with a smile.    ]       nope,   must be some usual creep.   you know how gas stations work,   sean.   now let’s get out of here,   i gotta pump gas into my motorcycle.


try not to move so much.   i'm almost done with stitching this.


@lacrymosas,            it’s a rather embarrassing story,   actually..      [    a half-hearted,   nervous laugh escapes past his lips,   hand raising up to lightly scratch the back of his neck briefly.    ]      slipped and ended up falling off a building,   luckily into a dumpster but something in there was real nasty and ended up having me..   well,   here! 


mhm.   right.   [ deniz lacks the energy to conceal her unamused expression,   only managing to force a half-hearted smile in the process.    she keeps her focus on the placement of the needle each time it's going on. ]   try not to make any more decisions from here on out.   the last thing i'd want to see is for you to become a regular patient here..   how'd you get /this/ anyway?


⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ @lacrymosas
            can’t be letting you do that,   sorry ma’am.   local anesthesia won’t be good when i need to fight!      [    he would reply with an ounce of enthusiasm,   seemingly unbothered as he’d offer a grin.    ]      a bit of pain makes a man stronger,   besides..   at least i got doctors like you to help me when i make dumb decisions?   riiighhttt? 