
currently rereading books because I’m struggling to find a new book that’s actually good haha.. any recommendations?


Hey Lily! I just came across your profile and noticed we liked the same books (aka bad boy stories bc ((do I need an explanation))) I was just curious, why don’t you start writing? I’m sure you’d be amazing in whatever genre you pick to write at. :)


yeah it does seem pretty hard to balance all those things ofc I will definitely check your book out, too! 


Same here, well I started one at least. I don’t know if it’s any good, but hey, I’m trying! I tried so many other times with other accounts on Wattpad. I put my content out there and idk if it was bc I didn’t use enough tags, or because I wasn’t reaching out to people? I just never got “discovered”—- or any reads for that fact lmao. But, on the bright side, I thought I’d give Wattpad another shot, and make a new book: Saving the Deserter. Im trying to balance the book, school, work, and life, but I’m just so stoked. AND THERE ARE SO MANY BADBOYS IN THE BOOK. LIKE SOOO MANY YASSSS  :)) check it out sometime if you’re like me and love a hella lot of badboys. 


hey! ahh i love those books like ahh thank you and yes, I have been thinking of writing a book soon