
@JayianaHatesYou that's actually really helpful so thank you so much!! love your username btw haha 


@wanderingpearl im happy i can help. and thnx i like yours too


but as a suggestion: make an all-around book. a book where you can wright poetry, thoughts, short stories, opinions, etc. i don't have one in Wattpad but i do on my computer and it helps a lot. this way you can still write, but you don't get bored of the topics easily because their short and sweet. i have been writing mines; which i call "The Idiot Book:The Thoughts and Views of The Curiously Crazy" for about a a year and a half and its filled with stories, poems, and really awkward questions. i hope this can help you. it worked for me, so i thought id try to help.


I see your status: If you don't mind, a piece of advice. Don't worry about the lack of reads, just write because you want to. Believe me, I was in that position as well. Where you think it's pointless to keep updating because you think no one is reading it. Well if it makes you happy, then what the hell. Why not update/write? Of course, if you don't like it and writing it doesn't give you joy anymore, move on. You shouldn't be writing for anyone but yourself. If it happens to make other people happy then keep on doing it for them and you as well.  
          Anyways, that's my two cents worth advice on it. It may not seem like it, but I was in that same problem but a friend helped me by giving me the same advice I just gave you. I'm just passing it on. 
          Hope you continue writing and thanks again for reading my stories as well xx


Yes I absolutely loved it :) sorry to be a typical wattpad b*tch and you don't have to if you don't want to, but could you take a look at my stories? It would be wonderful if you did but you don't have to. I didn't want to do this on your comments since that's just downright rude and pathetic, and again you don't have to if you don't want to, I just thought I'd suggest it. Thanks anyways and keep writing :)