
Chapter two of my rewrite is up! Hope you guys like it. Let me know what you all think!


          While I go through a lot of changes from my book The Secrets That We Keep, I’m going to change a whole lot of things to it. 
          I’m still dumbfounded that I totally made that mistake and I can’t believe I didn’t catch it sooner.
          So bare with me guys while this story is on hold. I just want to make sure while I fix everything that you guys will still be interested. 
          My mind tends to go from one thing to another. So hopefully I’ll have the book up and running again.
          Thank you all for being so patient and kind. You guys are awesome!


@wandahasmysoul it's okay take your time, we will always waiting for your 


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Okay… so I’ve been re-reading my book through and have realized that I totally fucked up. I totally forgot that Wanda had already told Ryan why she broke up with him and now I’m seriously an idiot. So now I have to re-write everything so that my stupid brain doesn’t do this again. So as of now, The Secrets That We Keep is going to be on hold until I fix every single chapter because obviously I’m a forgetful idiot. 
          If there are any suggestions that you guys would like to see in this story I would appreciate it or if you have any advice that would be awesome too. Hopefully I can have all the re-writes fixed and that I can finally have this story back on track to where I wanted it in the beginning. 
          Love you all awesome nerds!