
i got my compuer rfixed!!!!!!! uploading dancing waters!!!!


@jabuticaba yeah, but like i said, all of meh docs r gone......so thnx god i had a back up, but it wuz from my old comuter, nd doesnt have dancing waters...which i completed.... :( but im workin on rewritin it. meanwhile im makin ze new thingy called HUnters Girlfriend based on a game :3


@jabuticaba Unfortunately, my comptuer was stricken with a plague (virus). It lost all .doc filed, or .dox, watever, so my fully-typed, FINISHED Dancind Waters was toast..... I was quiet upset, in fact, I cried! Hopefully, it won't happen again, so, hang tight. I've recently convinced my parents to allow me to purchase a zombie game, Left 4 Dead, and Left 4 Dead 2, and was insipired to write a mini series that have to do with them! I"M SO SOWWWIEEEEE!!!! D: D: :( 
          will you ever forgive me? -.-


          Unfortunately, my comptuer was stricken with a plague (virus). It lost all .doc filed, or .dox, watever, so my fully-typed, FINISHED Dancind Waters was toast..... I was quiet upset, in fact, I cried! Hopefully, it won't happen again, so, hang tight. I've recently convinced my parents to allow me to purchase a zombie game, Left 4 Dead, and Left 4 Dead 2, and was insipired to write a mini series that have to do with them! I"M SO SOWWWIEEEEE!!!! D: D: :( 
          will you guys ever forgive me? -.-


DO all my awesome fans- I'm going to delay the opening of Dnacing Waters for a while. THe flu has finally caught up to me, and I was directed on a straight bed-regime. I dont have a laptop. Only a computer. And I can't reach it! DX