
Also, if the ideas are good or I get a lot of them, you might get a follow!


Hi baybies! I hope you make time to read this, even though you probably think it's dumb lol. Yes, I spelled babies weird, too bad :) 
          So, I'm having some sort of a contest! Maybe this seems stupid or boring, so if so, I'm terribly sorry and you don't have to but I've had people DM me with ideas. If anyone has any ideas and hasn't messaged me or was too scared to, now is your chance. If you need inspiration to come up with ideas, use this!
          Depending on how many ideas I receive in my DM, the amount I choose may vary, but considering I may not get many, we're starting at 2. I will choose at least 2 ideas and put them in my story and give you a shoutout! If you have any questions, DM me or comment them on any of my recent updates! Have a good night baybies, and happy brainstorming!