
bro if i was ever friends with you on wattpad anytime in the last 7 years, and for some reason you're online seeing this now, DM me. i wanna know where all my internet friends from middle school are at in their lives now


bro if i was ever friends with you on wattpad anytime in the last 7 years, and for some reason you're online seeing this now, DM me. i wanna know where all my internet friends from middle school are at in their lives now


Happy Halloween!!!!!!!! 
          Question: what was the weirdest/ best costume you've seen?
          My answer: a pregnant nun XD


Omg that is funny XD That person has a creative mind 


@volcarxna Probably,...Jake from State Farm. (Someone named Jake actually dressed up like him, got the ringtone on his phone, and even had a nametag.)