
I know I have been gone for a while but I promise imma come back soon!!
          	I've just recently been facing depression and trying to figure out life but I'm back stronger than ever!!
          	Hopefully next Friday I'll be posting a new chapter just for you guys!!


I know I have been gone for a while but I promise imma come back soon!!
          I've just recently been facing depression and trying to figure out life but I'm back stronger than ever!!
          Hopefully next Friday I'll be posting a new chapter just for you guys!!


          I hope you enjoy my stories and have fun reading them!
          Always feel free to comment on anything! I love getting to hear from my readers!


            Im glad you think so! I hope you enjoy reading!


@sgh101404 no problem!! I thought your profile looked cool and am currently reading one of your works!!


I hate doing this again... But my family dog passed away Wednesday evening and it's been a bit rough the past day.
          Imma hold off on writing till next Friday as this is something I wanna take time on and mourn. 


Thank you very much ❤️


@ChayaConnelly thank you for understanding!!! And I saw your post and hope that your mental health gets better!!! 
            Take as long as you need and we will still be here when you decide to come back!


I’m so sorry for your loss! Take as much time as you need and please relax, I wish you and your family nothing but positivity ❤️


So this is a schedule update for my future book!!
          I plan to start posting my next book, April 6th, 2024th, the only reason why is so I can pre-write the chapters, get a good idea on how I want the book to go and etc.
          Just a warning it won't be a teen wolf fanfic but an omgeaverse fanfic that follows wolfs, mates, ranks, etc. so if your not into that then it won't be the book for you!
          Once I start it I'll be posting every Sunday as it gives me time to write the chapter, edit it, re-write if need be or add anything before it's published!! 
          -void see you guys this Friday for the next chapter 


How would you guys feel if I took a book I never finished on an old account that I no longer have and rewrite it??
          It won't be a Wattpad story but an inkitt story.
          If so lmk, I won't start writing it till next year but I thought it would be fun.


Trying to write has been a bit hard because I have a bit of writers block BUT I'm getting through it and I'm excited for you guys to see the chapter that will come out in a few weeks lol!!
          I did upload gifs for the recent chapters I posted so go check them out if you like ;)
          Anyways a new chapter will come out this Friday so be ready!! Just know these chapters have been pre-written so all I do is edit lol or re-write if needed.
          So this year I'll be finished with this book writing wise but it'll be next year when the book is fully posted which is sad because I started this book in July with many things in mind.
          I wanted this book to represent an open mind as someone who enjoys teen wolf but also the creativity of my own ideas. Some ideas were not my own but inspiration from authors who I have given credit to and some ideas I have thought over and made sure was unique to my own liking!
          As much as I hate saying goodbye to this story, these characters, plot, etc I couldn't be any prouder of my very first story being shared here. If there is ever a time where I leave Wattpad I want this story to remain here as a reminder that anyone can do anything they want as long as they push through and keep trying!! 
          Ik it sucks but hey as I write more stories people will get to see the changes as I go, anyways this thing is getting long so until Friday.


@ChayaConnelly thanks for the advice!! Imma make sure to use this and take some notes on any inspiration I find!! I'm glad you enjoy my book and hope you enjoy the future books I plan to write!!


I’m really proud of you and how far your book has come! Writers block is annoying but you’ll get through it, try reading or doing something to get a little inspo/push 


A new chapter has been posted!!
          Sorry for being so slow I'm currently at my besties house again (I like her house okay lol)
          But I do have a few chapters ready and still finishing the last few!!
          My end goal for this book is by March 31st, 2024!!!


Reminder to followers of mine
          Tomorrow is the last day for "THIAM Appreciation Week" and on Friday I'll be returning back to my book!!
          I hope everyone is excited to see where my book goes bc by February next year I'll be done writing it completely!