
What do you think is interesting story for fan fiction story from your point of view as a reader that also a writer?
          i also write a fan fiction of tensura by the name "That time i hot reincarnated as a fish", a tensuraverse story from ocean perspective with original main characters, but many tensura character in it, but my writing is not so popular. I want to improve my writing skill, so if you have any time and any suggestions about it, please feel free to reply, thank you for your attention. {^~^}



@ void-emperor  I had also a part 2 that nobody did now.


@ Rodikoda  it's just I like seeing how they react to gobta.


@ Rodikoda  ahh you mean that story where he try to slack off then he was about to be noticed by hakuro and he found a hole in the ground, then he hide in that hole and it work but then when he tyr to go out there was a barrier and so on... if that was the story i know about it and there is people who did react stories about that, it would be like atealing it ... but! I can do something similer, how? Idk for now but when i finish till like chap 10 of the reaction and what i'm planing sure i will tey my best to write something about it:)


Hey emperor, I have a request if you don't mind 


@ Voidrimuru  just say what kind of skills you want, how many and where do you want me to send them?


@Voidrimuru yeah, sorry for the late reply. I was wondering if you could make skills for me. 


@ Voidrimuru  you can ask whatever you want 


So Here's The Complete Demonic Series and The Most Perfect Pairing. Achieve able
          Demon Series 
          Lord of Extinction (Abanddon)
          Lord of Temptation (Azazel)
          Lord of Death (Belial)
          Lord of Poison (Samael)
          Lord of Loneliness (Belzenshine)
          Lord of Fallen(Astroth)
          Lord of Boredom (Acedia)
          Angelic And Demonic Pair
          [Astarte] Paired with [Astaroth]
          [Sandalphon] Paired with [Abaddon]
          [Haniel] Paired with [Belzenshine]
          [Melchizedek] Paired with [Azazel]
          [Israfil] Paired with [Belial]
          [Azrael] Paired with [Samael]
          [Jibril] Paired with [Acedia]


@ VoidGod0  i see well if we are talking about name's well the devil name in islam is called iblis which mean the devil and its said in some narration's that his name Azazel and to make him in temptation fuse choosed the right one well i hate it but oh well ... as for the angelic series , jibril is the lord/ master of angels and He was the one who sent revelation to the prophets by God’s command , israfil He is entrusted with blowing the trumpet on the Day of Resurrection to announce the rise of the Hour to be honest i do t know musch this skill called 'israfil' in tensura or much about the angelic series at all , Azrael first of all there is no angel in islam called Azrael okay? But in islam especially in the Quran he's referred to as the Angel of Death so calling him Azrael is a no in islam but for who he is well He is the one who is responsible for taking souls and He is the last creature to die and thats it asfor the other named skills in the angelic series i dont know them maybe they are not from islam