


yusei gritted his teeth and took unto stance. "very well, "he paused then whistled. the sparrow who’s hovering before them flee away. " you fiend, should have prepared well—for you have angered the jet black wings!"the lad exclaimed as he bolted right up to the murian with his rapier.


nailea was about to stand up by herself but then she saw the feet of the stranger walking towards her. she looked up to see the man offering his hand. 
          her face turned red in embarassment when she realized he saw her tripped. she was shy to accept his hand but she thought he may feel bad if she didn't. 
          she then held his hands and with his help, she slowly got up. "thank you." nailea said in a small voicem


          surrounded by darkness, uncertainty ate a hole in yusei’s shaken soul. his nerves were tangled like a ball of christmas lights ripped off a tree. he clenched his pockets with clammy hands, fear flourished in his empty stomach.
          a nearby crow croaked, yusei in an instance unsheathe his rapier and scrutinized the environment. tall pine trees erupting from the ground in limitless supply. they were the pillars holding up the house of the forest.
          yusei’s ears perked up and followed ritsu’s familiar chirps stealthily. his eyes widened upon finding yoji on the ground, his wings flailed around and seemed to be unconscious. bitterness swelled inside him, his hands slightly shook.
          " must it be you?!" yusei suspect, eyes seemingly throwing daggers. " the one who knocked yoji senseless?"he added, voice hinting that he is enraged, his rapier had been sheathe before and yusei seems to be ready to go into battle any wrong words spouted by the ‘fiend’.


this message may be offensive
          walking around the areas of mule, nailea's eyes wandered as she starts on exploring mule. nailea continued to walk and spotted a girl/guy walking towards the opposite way, she gave the girl/guy a small smile and walked pass her/him.
          seconds after a loud thud has been heard, nailea slipped. "shit." she muttered as she looked at the murian, hoping she/he didn't see her.


The sharp, cold wind passed through the bare hands of the young Undermoon as he sat on the edges of the bridge. The illuminated building beside the bridge's light streamed through the window to his spot, a sigh soon slipped on his firmly sealed lips and plead its way out of its prison.
          He shook his head out of dismay and fixated his gaze at the dim starry skies. The twinkling and brightest diamonds scattered across the sky had hid behind the jet black clouds, only the moon and its light was standing still. Seemingly lonely as it shone.
          The young one then fishes out a lighter and glared at it as the lighter produced a small ball of fire atop its place. Hrisovalantis watched the tiny ball of fire dance with the wind only to be put out by the cold gushes of wind. He sighed, leaning on the metal behind his back.
          “How sad and beautiful.” He muttered, lifting his hand towards the air and pretended to clutched the moon. “A waste of space.” He mumbled again, grumbling as he threw the lighter towards a tiny burrow filled with paper that suddenly lit up a big fire. “There, there—beauty.” He grinned lopsidedly.
          Perhaps, it was the smoke that lulled a virtualist towards his secret spot but the young Undermoon seemed not to care. He brought out sticks, biscuits and a pack of marshmallow. “Hey there!” He called the virtualist out. “Wanna join the ol’ lone me here?” Val asked cheerfully.


          walking down the street whilst clicking her tongue, rings spins the key chain around her finger and wander her sight inside the virtual city.
          all at once, the rain started to pour hard. fortunately, rings found a bus stop and went there to have a shelter over her head. "bakit ba kasi hindi ako nagdala ng payong?! this is so stupid." she scolded herself.
          she decided to have a seat for a moment but the only bench there was occupied already. she went near the person sitting on the bench (which happened to be you) and asked, "would you mind if i sit here?" referring to the vacant space beside you.


          maxsyn wandered around the corners of virtual city, reason is she was very bored. her eyes explored, wondering where she would go. she continued walking until she found someone, just standing there.
          "finally! someone to talk to." she muttered. she walked closer to the person, "hi!" she greeted. "i supposed you are a virtualist too."