
Next chapter of At Sixes And Sevens will likely go online either Tuesday evening or Wednesday! Happy first Advent to everyone celebrating the Christmas season 


very late! sorry for that, but my children got sick and then I got sick. I had to split the chapter bc I just won't find time to fully edit all of it right now, but we're getting better so shouldn't take me too long to get to the rest of it. The first bit will go up in a few moments, the rest will follow sometime the coming week, also good luck to everyone doing NaNoWriMo this year! You've got this


@ viskafrer  oooh viska, reading this just now and wishing you the quickest recovery!  Take care of yourself and be well<3 writing can always wait a bit


Hey , Chapter 26 of At Sixes And Sevens will be online November 2nd, Fiend will take a trip to The Ship Of Small Spaces and find himself something-someone-or-other. Unfortunately, I won't have the time to format and edit before the 1st of November and Wattpad will be down that day, so the new chapter comes on November 2nd. Have a happy Halloween weekend 


Hey everyone! The next chapter of At Sixes And Sevens will go up within this week, things have become a little stressful and the draft needs some formatting still, so I'll be running a few days late, expect it to go online this Friday