
My next two chapters will be coming out on New Years Day, at 12:00 am exactly.


Let’s go!


Starting two days ago and going all through the rest of the Summer, I am going to be posting one chapter every Wednesday at noon. I don't know how this will change once school starts, so be prepared for me to possibly go several months at a time without posting. Thank you!


@violetabye cool! Thx for letting us know! I love your story btw


Okay, so I have a question for all of you. I do this thing where I write a bunch one day or week, then the next month barely think about any of my fanfics at all. So, would you rather me post a chapter as soon as it's finished, and have a lot more chapters at once, but spread out, or bank all of my chapters to post later, when I don't feel like writing? Please vote, because I really don't know what to do. Ty!


I definitely think I would stick around longer if they were posted when they’re finished. But yet again it’s good to have a fallback chapter. Not to tell you how to do anything but when I write I write 2 chapters and then only post one. that way if I don’t write a new one in time it gives me a fallback chapter that I can post in between my work days.
            Do what feels comfortable to you though, that’s what it all comes down to.


@violetabye I would stay much more engaged if the posts were more regular, even though I do enjoy reading a lot of content at once. I'll be happy with either.


Hey, first comment! I just want to let you know that I really like your WoF story, and that I think you're a good writer; and you'll only get better as you write more and more.
          However, if you're looking for more exposure; which is something you seem to be lacking at the moment. I would recommend you start posting your work on multiple websites; would be a good start, as its archive format will make your stories easier to find for readers.
          Just a tip! ;)


@SergeantCupcake Thank you for the advice, but I don't really care about exposure. This is just a hobby. I wasn't even sure if I wanted to post, so I really don't think I need to overdue it. Thank you, though!