
Sorry for the long silence, I am writing again. I am going to update both SITS and HOFAH, I'll be doing SITS first because that's my oldest story and people have been waiting the longest for that. It's taking a long time because I am revising the entire thing. I started it in 2020 so a lot of it is no longer up to my standards. I'm planning on just releasing the entire finished product at once so people don't have to be afraid I'll go absent again. 


I love your Seb and Ominis fic  truly can’t wait for more. Jealous Sebastian is everything 


@claslytherin thank you so much!!


Sorry for the long silence, I am writing again. I am going to update both SITS and HOFAH, I'll be doing SITS first because that's my oldest story and people have been waiting the longest for that. It's taking a long time because I am revising the entire thing. I started it in 2020 so a lot of it is no longer up to my standards. I'm planning on just releasing the entire finished product at once so people don't have to be afraid I'll go absent again.