
yall i am officially back even though probably none of you cared/noticed! :D


@viioletarose_ I noticed and I thought you were just taking a brek, until I saw this! I'm really happy your back and hope the best for you!!!


Nooo i did notice and I wondered if you dropped wattpad then I was momentarily sad until I saw this, so I’m really happy your back!! :D Hope everything’s okay! <33


—✰. . .Months passed but I haven't forgotten you. Since I am not deleting Wattpad anymore you can message me anytime. I might just answer late but will answer))) I love you so much. I am here and free now. Love you and missed you


It feels like everyone on wp is disconnecting ;-;


@viioletarose_ i cant disconnect from wattpad because I wanna finish my books before I branch out ;-;


Gaia Gaia Gaia Gaia 


Hey there, fellow one! Don't forget to take care of yourself and to rest up after a long day! 
          No matter what anyone says about you, just a reminder; you slay and you run your world, your way ❤️
          Bye dear one, and always remember to be kind to yourself!


Hey there! 
          You may or may not know me, but I hope this message is encouraging in some way to you! 
          See that beautiful face in the mirror? That is you, and you shine that look. Let the world say things about your looks, but don't let them change the way you are. You are amazing, you are beautiful, and only you can rock that look, so let them talk. You. Slay! 
          You are stronger than you think, and you are the ruler of your world. You are the royalty that sparkles in the eyes of your world, and even if those skies are filled with gray clouds you feel you can't escape, just know that we are here for you, and you can do it. 
          You can change the course of your life, and you are the star that clears the foggy sky! 
          Stay strong dear one, whatever it is you face, dry those tears and stand your ground. I believe in you! I know you won't let anything get to you, and you can control the great things that I know will come to you in life. 
          It may take time, but with that time does come that reward and promise that things will get better. 
          That sentence you wrote for your story? You got something done! 
          The story you finished finally? You learned something new! 
          Whatever how big or small that achievement is, celebrate it! 
          Take care of yourself, and remember that you rock! 
          Bye! :) 
          ~Samaa <3


If you are into paranormal fanfiction with were-romance and gist, then it is the one for you. Check out my new book 'THE COGNITION OF SOUL'- A KTH FF

          P.S.- Don't forget to vote and comment for the story. It would help the book reach the target votes and comments.
          Also, please share this book with your friends and fam.
          Thank You
          Isla :)