
hola hermosxs
          	perdón por no actualizar, es que empecé las clases y me está costando adaptarme al nuevo horario
          	pero les tengo una sorpresa... si leyeron Sin Oprobio de la reina @islaplatanito, vayan a su perfil y guarden la historia de One Shots, junto a ella y varios escritores más vamos a estar escribiendo muchos "what if" de Sin Oprobio con situaciones que podrían haber sucedido de manera distinta. el segundo publicado lo escribí yo <3
          	espero que les gusten, y si no leyeron ese hermoso fic todavía, corran a leerlo


hola hermosxs
          perdón por no actualizar, es que empecé las clases y me está costando adaptarme al nuevo horario
          pero les tengo una sorpresa... si leyeron Sin Oprobio de la reina @islaplatanito, vayan a su perfil y guarden la historia de One Shots, junto a ella y varios escritores más vamos a estar escribiendo muchos "what if" de Sin Oprobio con situaciones que podrían haber sucedido de manera distinta. el segundo publicado lo escribí yo <3
          espero que les gusten, y si no leyeron ese hermoso fic todavía, corran a leerlo


hi guys
          so sorry i have disappeared but i have a final exam tomorrow and i have been studying non-stop.
          also, i'm finding it very difficult to remember what happened exactly at steve's birthday... i just remember drama but not quite what happened before and after. i'll try to write it as soon as i can but it's hard :(
          vic XX
          hola chicxs
          perdón que me haya desaparecido pero tengo un examen final mañana y estuve estudiando sin parar.
          además, me está resultando muy difícil recordar exactamente qué pasó en el cumpleaños de steve... solo recuerdo drama pero no lo que pasó antes y después, trataré de escribirlo cuanto antes pero me cuesta :(
          besos, vic


@vicbarneslaufeyson take your time bestie <3 also wish u luck about your exam


hola reinas
          me di cuenta que en estos ultimos dias me comenzaron a seguir varias latinas (las amo ) y queria preguntarles si estarian interesadas en que publique una traduccion al español de mi historia Desire
          en resumen, es sobre una relacion poliamorosa entre bucky, loki y la principal, basada en mis experiencias de shifting
          me dicen que piensan?


@soyrezorra ya la subí reina ;) voy en el cap 8 que subí hoy


@ vicbarneslaufeyson  QUIERO


@ vicbarneslaufeyson  hola hola si claro!! Me gustaría leerlo 


hi babes, how are you?
          first of all, i would like to apologise for not updating the story but i've been really busy, stressed and actually sad. we've reached the end of the year which means my university year is also coming to an end and it's really hard. as an architecture student, i have to make models, blueprints, drawings and digital models all for this and next week. so i hope you can understand why i haven't had the time to finish the chapter.
          secondly, i am having surgery this saturday morning. don't worry, it's just my wisdom teeth, not the ribs. but i will be sedated af and i have to rest, WHICH MEANS NO HALLOWEEN FOR ME, sadly.
          lastly, i've been emotionally down, meaning i just didn't want to write on my short amounts of free time. actually, i didn't want to do anything, just sleep. my body and mind have reached a point where they can't no longer take it and i am stressed, depressed, tired and like i just can't keep going.
          the chapter will be posted when i feel better, and again, i am truly sorry.
          stay safe,
          vic x.


@vicbarneslaufeyson Ohh babee, don't warry, take breaks and deep breathes! Wattpad is the last thing you have to worry about! when everything will be done and you will be rested too thennnnn CHAPTER! Take care of yourself first!


i don't know how to say this but today i had to go to the hospital because i have been feeling out of breath and constantly fainting. turns out that one of my lower ribs has been pressing my left lung since i was a child, reason why i have breathing problems. also the rib above that one has started to move too
          i spent this whole week getting checked and today they said i might be needing surgery, hopefuly not because they said it's dangerous
          i don't really know when i'll have time to write and post next chapter, but i know that it won't be today. i'm so sorry but today i'll spend the day trying to clear my mind
          hope you understand


            we understand perfectly, just listen to her and you'll be fine love❤️❤️


            Girllll first of all you NEED to rest. You listen to me? REST. Second I am glad you are somewhat fine and third YOUR HEALTH IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN A CHAPTER, ALL CLEAR? I am sure everybody will understand, if not watch me fight 'em so now you take ur time and don't worry ab writing or wattpad. Love ya♡


hi my dears 
          i know i said my update schedule would be on saturdays but thisfriday is my bff's birthday and i've been super busy this weekwith university and getting everything done for her surprise partyon friday night. also i have a goodbye party for a friend that is leaving town for good :(
          i have a few hundred words written but i don't want to post a
          chapter that isn't worth the wait
          here in my city, next monday tuesday and wednesday are
          holidays. so, i'll write the full 4000 or 5000 words chapter on one of those days, along with the next one to post next saturday
          i hope you understand, ily


@vicbarneslaufeyson well good luck with the party, an happy early birthday to your friend!!
            Don't worry tho, we understand, and I'll wait patiently ❤️


good morning honey bunnies, because of my university classes' schedule I decided the best to upload the story evenly would be uploading on weekends and holidays like student day, because i will be free to write. which day would you guys prefer? saturdays or sundays?


@vicbarneslaufeyson Saturdays.
            If that's cool for everyone else of course