
Currently working on the next chapter for Ride to Survive. Its been way to long since i last updated it! 


Currently working on the next chapter for Ride to Survive. Its been way to long since i last updated it! 


A little ‘life’ update from me
          I am not as active with posting lately. The reason for my absence on here is that i am facing my fears. 
          I struggled really bad with extreme anxiety and panic attacks this past year. During this time, i used writing as a way of escaping. 
          But i knew that i couldn’t hide forever. So i got professional help and started working on myself. 
          Pushing myself to face my anxiety is one of the hardest things i have ever done so far in my life. Its exhausting, its frustrating, its emotional, but its all worth it.
          I have made a lot of progress, but theres still a long way to go. 
          I hope this explains where i have been the past few weeks/months and why there aren’t as many updates. 


@vettechstudent2019 Understandable, keep going girl <3


@vettechstudent2019 I am a Judgment free person. If you ever need to talk about something you can always pm me.


Hello Maud,
          I was wondering if you are ever going to update "Ride to Survive"? 
          Thanks! Have a great day!


Hi Dolly, i’m sorry for my late response! To answer your question: yes i will. I can’t tell you exactly when you can expect the next chapter(s) but they are coming! Thank you for your question and i hope you have a wonderful day! 


My two new horse stories: The cattle thief and Reckless equestrian are both online! I decided to upgrade my stories by adding a synopsis. I hope this way you get a good idea of what the story is about and if its something you want to read. 
          Are you adding The cattle thief to your library or are you on team Reckless equestrian? 


Hi! Thanks a lot for following me! ^^


Okay! Starting with Keep Dreaming. I love that cover btw so prettyyy!


I would recommend to start with the Keep Dreaming trilogy (Keep Dreaming - Keep Fighting - Keep Flying). I also started a spin-off with one of the secondary characters (Erlkönig). If you want to skip the KD-trilogy, you can also directly read Erlkönig, but it will maybe take you more time to understand certain things. And it would definitely spoiler you for KD! ;-) Have fun reading my stories! 


Can’t wait to read your stories! Any you would recommend to start with?


I really want to put out a fall/winter horse story that i have been working on the past few days. I’m also finishing Protecting the horses this weekend which will be my first completed horse story! 
          I hope its not too confusing that i have so much (uncompleted) stories. But this is what my head is like: i get so much inspiration and then i want to start writing it. But don’t worry i will finish every single one of my stories eventually! 


Short chapters vs long chapters. I would love to know if you want longer chapters or short ones. I personally sometimes get intimidated when I see a long chapter so I tend to write shorter ones. But you are my readers so you decide. Short chapters are around 500 and long 800 to 1000. Let me know!


@ vettechstudent2019  long!! 


@vettechstudent2019 Long chapters are generally better if you can handle the work, if not write short ones.