
sorry for anyone who saw my recent announcement, i accidently tagged the wrong user but now the person who was meant to write the glitter and gold complex had deleted there account so for now the story will just be taken down until i feel i myself can update it. yet again i am so, so sorry for the confusion


sorry for anyone who saw my recent announcement, i accidently tagged the wrong user but now the person who was meant to write the glitter and gold complex had deleted there account so for now the story will just be taken down until i feel i myself can update it. yet again i am so, so sorry for the confusion


Hello everyone, my name's Andy I'm Comet's best friend and i just wanted to tell you all before her family posts it on social media but an hour ago Comet was rushed to hospital after injesting a high dosage of sleeping pills and unfortunately responder's got to her a bit too late. I know this could be quite a bit to process since she was only active on here 2 hours ago and she may've seemed fine on here but her actual life was nothing like you thought and I hope she wouldn't mind me telling you but she was admitted for self-harm and suicidal tendences in previous years but she was getting better until a couple months ago where someone on here and on her instagram start sending her horrible messages, calling her fat and not pretty and they know who they are and they're part of the reason she is no longer with us but Comet had also struggled with eating dissorders and anxiety so much so that teachers had to sit us next to each other in classes so I could stop her from picking at cuts and skin. I hope you take this time if you knew her as well as i did to grief this loss in anyway you want to but please don't be that person who will bother the family on social media because they've just lost their daughter and her family have allowed me to issue this statement to you guys on here and answer any questions you may have. Although Comet has passed and everyone is upset I'm a bit glad that she is finally able to escape the torment and comments she was receiving. I know alot of you probably never met or even talked to Comet but she was honestly one of the nicest, sweetest people i've ever met and i can't even process that she's gone. Comet was about to go Cambridge for University, she was meant to go out celebrating with her parents tonight because she got into a really good school and it was the one she wanted to go to as well. I hope you all miss her as much as i do and I'm sorry if this statement isn't what you were expecting this evening. Many thanks and love.


Oh no my love I’m so sorry 


She was a very beautiful soul 


@Br3adb0tter thank you I’m sure she would appreciate it 


Just wanted to announce that I've got an orginal romance fic coming out soon but also that i might not be as active as i was because i'm back in school and its exam season so i probably won't be writing as much also i'm off to university this september so i've got to move and see my accomodation as well just thought i would let you all know < 3