Basically I suck at these 'about me' things so I'll just give you a few simple facts about myself, alright? Okay.

- Emily is the name, although it really doesn't fit my personality or my looks...not to mention I hate it. BUT HEY! Whatever forever, right?

- I'm a teenager, no need to know my actual age. Although I will be turning 16 soon. But when? Or has it already passed? That's for me to know and for you to dot dot dot...

- Soccer = my passion + half of my life

- Music = the other half of my life

- Obvi I love to write. It helps me express things I can't say in words and gives me a sense of freedom. I write for MYSELF and no one else but I appreciate constructive criticism and of course the fans, comments, and votes really keep me going. So if you enjoy my writing LET ME KNOW. PLEASE. PRETTY PLEASE.

So that's about it I guess. If you want to know anything else don't be afraid to ask, alright? I'd love to answer!

And if you've taken the time to read all the way down to here then VIRTUAL HIGH-FIVE cause you're on my Awesome List.

And trust me, that's a place where you want to be.

  • Murfreesboro, TN
  • JoinedSeptember 8, 2012