
__pastel_bunny__ this is my insta. I'm active every, single, day. Get to know me!


so i've been wondering, how are you?
          i've been checking up on people and i came across you. reading some of your recent posts, made me suddenly want to just ask how you are. like, do you need anyone to talk to?
          i'm always here, even if you don't feel like talking to me.
          right now, i'm hoping you're doing better.


@venixss of course you can talk to me. i don't wanna force you, but you're always welcome to just slide into my DMs and tell me what's up.


@-bendyboo- thank you so much... I'm honestly not doing to well.. And I'm  always open to vent.. Thank you again for offering, I however am not the type to burden others with my issues.. But if you insist sure.. I'm willing to talk..


Don't ever base your self value on other people's view of you, love you for you, and only then can you heal <:3 keep friends who care for you and realize that that's enough, only then will you realize friendship overcomes most loves! And even if your friends aren't there for you, try to find more people who are nice and caring <:3


@venixss No problem bud! <:3 I wanna be able to help as much as possible, since I've been that spot before, where I based my value off of others opinions on me (still kinda do, it's just human nature thanks to society ;w;) but I'm learning to keep it at a healthy balance now, just find good people and share moments with them -w- thanks so much! I hope to provide a pleasant experience -w-"


@Daniwolf9005 thank you so much.. You've really helped me when i needed it.. And you continue to do so much for me... Your amazing..thank you..


I'm sorry guys... But I feel like I just flat out can't be happy. I haven't actually felt anything in the past three weeks.. I'm sorry if I become hella depressing.. Just.. I'm sorry.. I lost my train of thought..again..


Your bio speaks to me I'm crying right now amen 


@venixss it wasn't a bad thing im just saying like your bio describes My Personality  fairly well