
Sksksksk got a new phone


Hey, Y'all the ultimate procrastinator is back. Since my old account got deleted I can't even read the books to re-create what the hell happened in them.  Therefore I have to now... Remake stuff(I'm not doing that) 
          I'm just going to put my ideas into one book. So yeah. (Probably one of my books I unpublished.) 


This is the 57th time I've made a post like this. 
          I've decided, I have a horrible thought process and I'm not enjoying the books I'm writing currently. Therefore, I'm only going to be writing books I enjoy writing. Which there are a few, I'm only listing the ones I have published. 
          2. I Don't Wanna Be Me... (New Name: Forlorn)
          I'm pretty sure I have no other published books I wanna continue right now. 
          Oh yeah and I'm not continuing 


Okay, so here's what's about to happen...
          I'm continuing Vico and Unfinished, although I'm putting I Don't Want to be Me Anymore on hiatus.
          Besides that, Unfinished is being re-written. (Even though I've only written one chapter.) 
          Since the time I've last uploaded and story parts, I've come to the conclusion that I need to change my work ethic. And maybe, just maybe, Wattpad will help me do that. 
          If you have any feedback, CONSTRUCTIVE-CRITICISM or random suggestions for any of my book, please contact me privately. 
          Other than that, I hope you have had a great Thanksgiving and see you soon.


I. Apologize. For. Never. Uploading. 
          Seriously, I've been neglecting this app and I'm starting to realize that I'm not paying much attention to the things I like anymore. 
          I don't know if it's because I'm growing of this stage I'm at or, there's some other reason but, I'm trying my hardest right now to motivate myself.
          Now, it's not that I don't enjoy writing anymore, I just have zero motivation. (I'm a lazy bum.)
          Honestly, I have so many book ideas that could make it somewhere but, I just can't seem to find an idea that can more or less fit my ideal image. 
          I think my mindset has made me fall into a hole that I'm not too sure I can climb out of but, I'll try.
          Come to think of it, Vico holds a lot of my childhood. Rather the character, you'll see more of that later in the story.
          At this point in time, I think I'll be taking a good 2 weeks to plan and then I'll begin to write again.