
Why Wattpad allows us to unpublish a whole book together but when we need to publish a whole book together we gotta need to publish it separately..
          	It's really tiring to publish it separately man.


Hi!how are you?i hope you are doing fine but why did you delete your book??


@ily_gzelle i understand you are going through a rough time but i will wait for take your time and do your best in your final. Fighting!!!✊and love uuu


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@ily_gzelle Hwiii! I'm doing good.. Hope you are doing good too.
            I just unpolished it cause I barely have time for continuing the book. I really want to continue but I don't want to keep you guys on hang.
            Uni is shit. My semester started around a month ago and I'm giving my mid terms already and I've finals next month. Plus the assignment don't get me continue. 
            But I hope once my finals are done I may continue it.
            P.s: I thought noone will notice
            Thank you for staying and hope you wait a little longer.