
Hi guys!!
          	Guess who's back
          	I'm very happy to announce that after almost a year, I have started re-writting The Mistake!!
          	I have changed the story completely, and it's actually the first time I'm attempting to write a book like this, so I'm both excited and scared.
          	I really can't wait for this new story to unfold, and to have you guys read it!!
          	So it's going to be a while before I upload any chapters, but if you're curious about how the book changed, you can take a look at it's description .
          	Let me know what you think of the new The Mistake, and I hope you are just as excited as I am!
          	I'll be back soon, with the first chapter!


Hi guys!!
          Guess who's back
          I'm very happy to announce that after almost a year, I have started re-writting The Mistake!!
          I have changed the story completely, and it's actually the first time I'm attempting to write a book like this, so I'm both excited and scared.
          I really can't wait for this new story to unfold, and to have you guys read it!!
          So it's going to be a while before I upload any chapters, but if you're curious about how the book changed, you can take a look at it's description .
          Let me know what you think of the new The Mistake, and I hope you are just as excited as I am!
          I'll be back soon, with the first chapter!


Hey guys! I hope you're all okay.
          I'm really really really sorry to say that the next chapter in "Mistake" might be delayed even more...
          You see, I've got a lot of studying to do which leaves me with no time to write. I feel terrible, since I've never missed a Tuesday, but college must come first.
          I hope you all understand...
          Thank you, and please wait for the next update. I hope it won't take too long.


Hi guys! I hope you're having a good day/night. 
          I'm posting this because I want to make something clear; you all know that I upload a new chapter every Tuesday, but since we live in different countries, there is a big time difference. I live in Greece, so I follow Greece's local time.  If in your country is not Tuesday when the chapter is uploaded, just know that it's because of the time difference and try to understand. Thank you for reading this and keep supporting ''Mistake''. 
          Stay safe and healthy!