
hey, I'm published in an online literary journal and that's pretty cool:


I won Nanowrimo! This is my ninth year participating and my eighth win, which means I've been in this thing for like half my life now (I am not okay). This year was kinda bad; I was pretty behind for a bit. Also I didn't even finish the draft (which will never be released anywhere anyway), but now I can slave away at it at my own pace.
          I think I'll get one more chapter of Sir Mercyhale & Hasslevain out this week, and then I'm going to be not here for a bit, not that I have been super around anyway (actually I'm here like every day even when I'm on "hiatus;" I just don't do anything). See you all in like two weeks after finals destroy me; then I'll actually have time and no excuses not to catch up on reading.


@vaporization @vaporization I should try to think of my writing like that tho I feel I can never make enough time DX


@AJJennings_ thank you! I always think I'm too busy and I should stop but then I feel an obligation to continue my streak lol so I just sacrifice my life for this


@vaporization congrats! I think I've only done NaNoWriMo twice and only won once (I believe?) though both novels were terrible but too busy now to do it again. 


Hello! I don't know who reads my stuff anymore but here are some updates:
          Sir Mercyhale & Hasslevain is published. I have a backlog of chapters for this project but it remains to be seen how often I'll update it.
          Precious Fragments will be unpublished again eventually, since once again I don't have any more than what is written and it just takes up space on my profile as I am not working on it regularly enough. It seems cursed to just be a Halloween project for now. When I take it down it'll be replaced with another project that is properly planned and mostly written.
          Once I finish writing the next chapter of Sleeping Wildflowers, all of Part I (7 chapters in total) will be written, so I will publish all of it probably by the end of the year. I will probably just publish all the chapters at once instead of scheduling them. I don't think I'll publish anything else on a schedule besides Under the Roses.


I don't know how nosy you all are; if my love for Alice in Wonderland doesn't prove it, I'm very nosy myself, though I like to call it being curious. If you want to be nosy too you can stalk me here:
          Also, my old completed works are on AO3, from 2015 to 2020, if you want to know how I used to write. Those old works have either been officially abandoned or reworked into other things. I see so many people on here who are like, "This is my first book!" and it's a masterpiece and in my first book I didn't know how to use commas.


@vaporization my favorite thing to do lol


@AJJennings_ It's good to work on when you don't want to write but want to feel productive lol


@vaporization also this has inspired me to make my own website


hey sorry for the lack of activity; I was kind of busy this summer and now I'm super busy because I'm back in school so don't expect much from me. I feel like you have more than enough content from me but sorry to those waiting on me to read.
          There is a new chapter of Sleeping Wildflowers. It's like super long sorry. Also new content warnings: there is a brief, non-explicit suicide in an upcoming chapter. There's new notes too. It was supposed to be a short book so the pace is probably going to pick up soon; Asellan needs to grow up faster. (At this point planning "short" works is the same as writing long works.)
          Also I finished the map! And it’s in color! And there are multiple of them! You can view them here in detail:
          Asellan goes uphill: