
I'm going to camp! Peace out until July 7!


@vanilladancer Have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


After years of being afraid to speak in new places, I finally figured out why. 
          I do have a weird accent when I speak. It's Midwestern, Southern, and Bostonian. It's not noticeable when I'm talking quietly, or when you're just used to being around me, but it is there. I've had people ask me if I'm from Boston (I'm not, I've never even been there). 
          And I'm so afraid to speak in new places, places I'm not comfortable, and around new people because I'm afraid of being teased. I'm not a shy person, but I am when I'm not comfortable. 
          I know I shouldn't be afraid to speak, and afraid to be who I am. It's just really hard sometimes not to be afraid. 


"But I won't let them break me down to dust
          I know that there's a place for us
          For we are glorious
          When the sharpest words wanna cut me down
          I'm gonna send a flood, gonna drown them out
          I am brave, I am bruised
          I am who I'm meant to be, this is me
          Look out 'cause here I come
          And I'm marching on to the beat I drum
          I'm not scared to be seen
          I make no apologies, this is me."
          Always remember you're who you should be! Be proud of it! 


I got a one at Solo and Ensemble festival today which is the best you can get so yay! 


@lmmfan882 Thanks! What instrument did you play? 


Just so you know every time I see your username I sing (in my head)  Hold me close oh vanilla dancer  


@lmmfan882 Sing This Is Me instead! (If you know that song)


(I'm talking about a specific person here who doesn't have Wattpad)
          "Well fire away, 'cause today, I won't let the shame sink in." 
          You can say what you want about me. How I shouldn't get to only question 19 in an hour. I don't care. 
          Because guess what? There's things you don't know about me. And I don't ever have to tell you what that is. Because it's a need to know basis and YOU DON'T NEED TO KNOW.
          But it's people like you that make people feel bad about themselves. For things that aren't their fault. 
          It's people like you that drive others to suicide. That cause them to lose their lives because you couldn't shut up about things that aren't their fault. 
          You don't have to know everyone thing about everyone.  And you shouldn't. But you don't need to whisper about it behind their backs. 
          I remember you as the girl who asked me if you could have a hug last year. 
          And now? You want to laugh at me because I have an overwhelming fear of getting answers wrong. I've had panic attacks because of that fear before. 
          Yes, I've gotten better. But it doesn't mean it's gone. And I'll have to deal with it my entire life. 
          Just because you don't know this doesn't give you the right to talk about me. And how slow I am. 
          But I know this. And so today, although I'm very irritated that you're no longer the caring girl you used to be, I won't let the shame sink in. 


Battled Feet {Adopted By Hamilton}
          COMING APRIL 12, 2019
          "A bird can bite too."
          Amelia Moore is a dancer. And a good one at that. So when her family, aside from her little sister where tragically killed in a car accident and Amelia became unable to pay for dance, they let her stay on.
          After a year in the foster system, Amelia's been separated from her sister and dance is the only thing keeping her alive. She believes she doesn't matter to anyone. Of course, that's not true. 
          So when Amelia runs into Lin-Manuel Miranda on the street, she's confused as to why he takes interest in her. 
          Lin does more then take interest in Amelia. Far more. He changes her life forever. 
          He's there for the twelve year old through all her ups and downs. He's there for her when her life takes a sharp uphill turn, and then when it turns back downhill. 
          Follow Amelia's roller coster journey as she fostered by, and eventually adopted by the cast of Hamilton.