
cat’s got your tongue?


            if i die,  you die.  * a click of the tongue, she tugs at her hair with a smug grin*  fun. 


@petrovaredone    you WHAT?? you linked us? so whatever happens to you, happens to me? are you lying? so help me if you are, I will put a stake through you myself!


            oh fine,  since you’re SO nosey.  nobody in this town has patience.  * with a roll of her eyes,  she turns to the other; hands in her hair before a small smirk begins to form*  we’re linked,  care-bear.  let’s become best friends.. no, no.  how about cubby buddies? * she continues,  this seeming a bit too funny to her*  who else would’ve been the best option?  bonnie is already a sad show without enzo. elena always finds her way out of things considering everyone in her life is wrapped around her finger.  * a pause, releasing the strand of her hair*  who has your back, caroline?  stefan?  .. ah-ah.  as soon as elena gets bored of damon,  she’ll come running back for him.  we all know she’s the better option anyway.  * shaking off the breakdown,  nadia begins to walk her way behind caroline;  gently pushing her hair behind her back*  so i think we should get familiar. 