
⠀ ⠀⠀ ᨦ̤ ₊  ꠩  ⠀   l̤i̤t̤e̤r̤a̤t̤e̤ ̤  r̤p̤  t̤h̤r̤e̤a̤d̤ ⁇ ⠀⠀✧⡱


@fknstarboy ֶָ֢
            [     often,     beau had the audacity to complain,     or even deny,     the acts of comfort the latter offered him ..     even when he desired it most;     it was overwhelming,     suffocating often.     yet,     it'd be a lie to say that he didn't enjoy being jisu's point of contact ..     simple acknowledgement of his ability to bring safety and security to the younger through a mere embrace was truly delightful ―     a feeling he would never trade in.     hence why,     as soon as his lover obliged,     an arm was gentle to hold him closer.     hand slips beneath loose fabric of large shirt than adorns his frame ―     being able to touch him was a major comfort to the older,     and he hoped his presence offered that similar sensation.     quiet he'd stay for a moment longer,     and through a repetitive motion,     free hand moving to brush at locks of hair.     ]     get some rest now,     darling. ~     you deserve it.     


[     jisu was an easy person to force distance between when he got overwhelmed,     or upset,     because if he had no one at his side for sake of comfort,     then he was always better off going at it alone;     or ..     wallowing in his own sadness was a better choice of wording.     however,     once he had met beau it was like all that had changed,     and whether it was for the better or worse,     he couldn't break away when he got into states alike this,     albeit it was likely encouraged.      the male's comfort was unlike anything he had ever experienced within his life,     and to have it at arms reach whenever needed always made a very clear difference;   hence when offered to come in closer,     he obliged.     he'd move to find his usual positioning,      where head was against warmth of bare chest,     arms brought up between himself and beau,    whilst he'd snuggle in for further sense of security.     ]      m'kay,   sir ..     'm a,     all comfy then ..


@fknstarboy ֶָ֢
            [     if beau had the ability to enter jisu's mind,     to stay there for a while,     just in order to ward off the series of unwanted nightmares,     he's gladly do it.     it broke him to see how truama plagued lover's mind in the most vulnerable of states;     and thus,     as tired as he became,     he couldn't ever bring himself to leave ..     the first,     and last,     time he did that?     it was horrible ―     more nightmares and more guilt.     with the younger's vocals filling void of silence,     his words would be returned by the expelled scoff that slips past beau's lips.     ]     i do ―     you're right ..     [     a depe breath was taken,     cool palm slips to cheek where he'd delicately turn head to face him;     pad of thumb gentle to swipe tears,     even when they continued to fall.     ]     but 'm not going anywhere,     neither are you.     i better not hear another 'sorry' come out of your mouth ―     don't beat yourself up.     this isn't on you.     continue taking deep breaths,     relax yourself ..     [     a small yawn.     ]     look,     come here ..      get in close,     you know you want too.   