
So , HiO(≧∇≦)O Author here! , this account of mine can't be opened anymore(T▽T) cauze' I forgot the password╥﹏╥ , as for the stories that I have already written , I will rewrite them they are not by any means discontinued or if anyone want to adopt one of my stories then just message me on this current account I'm using , so that I will know your the one adopting it. The stories has been on draft cauze' Im still thinking of the next chap (lol writers block jpg.(^_^;) ) . The stories that I will continue writing will be the Naruto , KHR , and Sakamoto . Again to those who want to adopt one just message me on my current acc. so I know that it's you and so that the readers will be informed ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ .