
Guys. I have a story idea—its not quite a fanfic but it’s kinda inspired by TVD? It’s inspired by Klaus, Rebekah, and Stefan’s 1920’s era. 
          	To cut things short, I want to write a story about a girl in Chicago during the prohibition, she is a writer and uses a pen name, and she falls in love with an immortal artist. Thoughts? 


Hii, a question. Don't you know a person who has translated your fanfic 'Blood of Immortals' into Spanish? or if you have considered making a version in Spanish, I really want to read your fanfic So if you know someone please tell me!


Guys. I have a story idea—its not quite a fanfic but it’s kinda inspired by TVD? It’s inspired by Klaus, Rebekah, and Stefan’s 1920’s era. 
          To cut things short, I want to write a story about a girl in Chicago during the prohibition, she is a writer and uses a pen name, and she falls in love with an immortal artist. Thoughts?