
Heyo baby girls anyone want to date me can come up!!!


@sleep-deprived-whore dw relax, I got it bestie XD


@Cherry_MeiHua hAh? i didn't get what he was trying to say and you can ask him-


Hiiiii Beautiful People ❤️
          How are you all doing?
          "If you don't do it than who will"
          With this interesting quote I just want you to know that you can do anything you put your mind too.
          Sometimes it's hard and that's okay but come back stronger or just be proud of yourself that you come back. You know last few days I was so lazy but that's part of life one day you can be active and the next day you're lazy or just not that active. It's part of life. The important thing is you heal ✨️ from whatever you go through that maybe friendship breakup or from your boyfriend. I think it's hard to go through a breakup but but it takes time like maybe weeks, months but it gets better later on. Believe in yourself that you can do anything ✨️ and you will . You know BELIEVE is something that will help you in life so much that when you'll look back you'll say it was worth the struggle. 
          Take care ❤️
          Stay safe ✨️
          Lot's of love ❤️ 
          -make sure you eat your meals on time 
          -drink enough water
          -Take some sunlight 
          - read some novels
          - spend time doing self care
          - spend time with your loved ones  #Lifesshots 
          Love you sweetheart *gives you hug and cup of coffee/anything you love to drink*
          Bye ✨️❤️


Hii dear ❤️
          How are you?
          Thought of the day:-
          "And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters."-1:2
                                        ✨||It's Okay||✨
          Let me tell you one story about me like I have been trying so hard from past few days doing and stopping again doing and stopping but not focusing on something that I really want it or not? It was hard I had breakdowns, insecurities, issues and nobody to rely on. And I have to say it's okay to feel like that because somedays are just rough you just have to learn from it and pick yourself up from that. I certainly don't have many friends but I prefer quality over quantity and if you don't have one I have to say you can make friends but if you feel like not than don't do that until and unless your gut feeling says it. We're so hard on ourselves that we forget that in our past we survived Many things which were not at all easy. In end I have to say stop wasting time on people who make you feel good one day and next day they forget you because I stopped doing or feeling this as it helped me and will help you too ❤️.
          In end I have to say you're beautiful the way you are, love yourself never let someone mean comment or jealousy make you sad❤️.
          I hope you like it ❤️.
          Have a great day ❤️
          Stay safe and healthy ❤️
          Take care ❤️
          Smile bright ❤️
          Love yourself ❤️
          Have a great month ahead ❤️
          Some pins for you❤️




Hiiii dear ♥️
          How are you? 
          Thought of the day ✨❤️:-
          "There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.~4:18"
          It's basically a new beginning. So let's start working on it and let's earn what we really wanted as an individual believe me it's worth everysingle thing ♥️. Love yourself to an end that you're not insecure ♥️. You're worth everysingle  thing ♥️. Manifest your dreams believe me it's really good. Listen to songs that calm you. Be so much engrossed in your favourite work that you really don't have to worry. Make a plan and work on it ♥️. Take care of yourself because it's important. Have dates with yourself ❤️ and treat yourself ♥️. Those who have to leave will do anyway no matter what so just stop thinking of them and if someone cannot have your authentic self than please leave because you don't have to be there where you're uncomfortable ♥️. Do yoga and workout because In 2021 we got to know that healthy life is really important. Start laughing because people get jealous of it ( weird yeah) but it helps to deal with problems also ♥️.Stay with people who are permanent not fake like bestie and family they never leave believe me it's just feels so good to have a family on whom you can rely on when you're sad and thanks dear ♥️ for reading it and have a great day ❤️ I love you beautiful ♥️. Enjoy your life and don't compare yourself because you're unique, beautiful,kind, lovely and I wish you warm wishes have a great life ahead. Bbye ♥️.
          Warm Regards By, #Lifesshots.


Hiii dear ❤️
          How are you?♥️
          ✓ Thought of the day ✨:-
          "Then the Lord said to me, “Go again, love a woman who is loved by her husband, yet an adulteress, even as the Lord loves the sons of Israel, though they turn to other gods and love raisin cakes.”
                                  ♥️A BAD PERSON♥️
          They're not born like it but they're made. Can anyone say or think that the bad person first was the most kindest person it's just situations that changed them into something else they will have every single thing hurt them but they'll not act hurt but if that happened to someone they care about than believe me they'll take revenge no matter what happens!. I think it's hard to act everysingle day because it is; you're acting like a pro when you're not okay, you're breaking down, everyone is leaving, everyone is saying this or that, it hurts but you're strong as heck. In end I wanna say please don't judge anyone because what they are today is because of there past so please never ever judge them they make mistakes forgive them it's okay to forgive isn't it. Let me tell you a story: Yesterday I thought to give up on writing I wasn't well because it was a really bad day Yesterday and in end I was well and fine.. I lost many beautiful things and yeah it's great I'm happy because maybe it was in that way only but one thing I got to know is I'm beautiful the way I'm and so are you, I'm unique you're also unique it's just we never notice ourselves. In end I hope you like it and have a great day and smile bright ❤️
          Ti amo, bellezza♥️( I love you beautiful ♥️)
          ✓ Eat your meals on time and drink water ❤️
          ✓ Listen to your mind because heart will never make you a wise person to know what to do at which situation; it's helpful and you'll be successful believe me!
          ✓ Make plans and work on them it's important for future
          ✓ take good sleep and let's do yoga for good sleep.
          ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ #Lifeshots.


Hiiii dear ❤️
          How are you?✨
          ✓ Thought of the day:-
          "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
          It's not a feeling but a thing that says inside from you" duh I'm done" or" I don't care".
          It's important to change because if you don't than eigther you will loose yourself my dear which nobody wants that is a biggest lie but I think that you don't want to loose yourself that's the biggest reason and prove it to yourself. And when I say change means that self which loves to talk to themselves as a bestie a self talk, drinking water like alot, eating food not starving themselves just to get instagram body or something, listening songs, watching cartoons or whatever you like, and in end you don't care about anyone except you're parents because they're hard to know but when they love there child that's a blessing so let me tell you a story about why I changed; so back than I had bestie and friends but now noone and I literally don't care because I'm happy without them - they used to say me that you're changed because it's always about them what about me ,my feelings they made me so quiet that I never talked haha funny but yeah......
          I must tell you that a bad person is created but they're not bad as they seems they have good side too only few can see it. You're beautiful remember that ✅. I hope you like it and have a great day ❤️.
          ti amo bella ♥️( I love you beautiful ♥️)
          ✓ Eat your meals on time and drink water ❤️  ✓ Nobody is for forever everyone leaves remember that ♥️
          ✓ Do you it helps to release stress ♥️
          ✓ Take good sleep because it's good for health ❤️
          ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ #Lifeshots


Hiiii dear ❤️
          How are you?
          ✓ Thought of the day ❤️:-
          "He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.”
                              ✨NEW MONTH✨
          It's a beautiful new month ,new starting, plan your time table, do what you love and what you want to!! Because new start is maybe hard but worth all things.... I will do alot of things and you? And lemme tell you bootiful( beautiful) people you're unique, and I love that. Start loving yourself because you're only your bestie and you take care of yourself ❤️. Happy birthday in advance to all November birthday cuties!!!. You know I will watch my favourite movie after a long time literally I missed it and what will you do?. I will do baking and eat chocolates with my bestie because she spoils me alot with chocolates and I freaking love it. 
          Dear you know everything comes in pair like pencil with eraser, pen with ink, love with hate, sun and moon, and devil with angel... So you will meet your second half soon... Don't give up... I love you dear ❤️ take care of yourself ❤️
          And wear warm clothes don't get yourself cold drink coffee..... I hope you like it and have a great day ❤️
          ti amo bella ❤️( I love you beautiful ❤️)
          ✓ Eat your meals on time and drink water ❤️
          ✓ do jogging a little bit ❤️
           ✓ take good sleep ❤️
          ✓ I'm craving for ramen so do you want it? Let's eat it together ☺️
          ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ #Lifeshots.


Hiiii dear ❤️
          How are you?♥️
          ✓ Thought of the day ❤️:-
          "Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men/women, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love."
          It's not a thing like how can I explain it uhmmm
          It's a feeling where just your that one person needs to know how you really are like comfortable silence with that person.... Even you always say them truth like today my bestie called me and I talked to her for like 1 hour and like childish things I talked and I didn't got judged at all I loved it! She knows about everything about me and damn that took me off my wall hard one I should say!. She like said alot. If I'm lock than she's my key who can know me as much she wants. Now it can be eigther your mother,father, bestie, sister, brother, friend, fiance or wife/husband and many more. You can listen music,you can draw,you can think , you can do many things like alot when you feel sad basically when I'm sad so I make oats and watch cartoons and than do the same acting and my mother starts laughing seeing me like this. I don't take things for granted but dear I value it and so do you.
          If someone forgets you let them because sometimes it's better to be alone than with someone who you don't want. You know there is smile on some people face every single time because they know that life is testing them so they just pass a smile to it. In end I want to say you're beautiful, unique my dear ❤️ believe in yourself and earn your dreams because in end only that matters nothing much and your happiness. I hope you like it and have a great day ❤️
          Ti amo bella ♥️( I love you beautiful ♥️)
          ✓ Eat your meals on time and drink water ❤️
          ✓ Watch your favourite movie along with your favourite food ❤️
          ✓ let's do yoga today ♥️
          ✓ Sleep well and take care of yourself ❤️
          ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ #Lifeshots.


Hiiii dear ❤️
          How are you?
          ✓ Thought of the day ✨❤️✨:-
          "He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds."
          "Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved, for you are my praise"
          It's a physical thing which we use for wounds right? Isn't it that! Exactly it's that! When blood is flowing you first clean the wound and than bandage it. By it we can learn from our mistakes but never do that ever again like repeating it again. If you think that noone loves you or you lost everyone than that's okay my dear ❤️ I have lost my so called every fake relationships of bestie,friends, and more and see I'm alone but it's comfortable like I feel happy, blessed, I don't compare myself, I give my best, yeah sometimes it's frustrating to have noone to talk but hey it's really beautiful ♥️ I just don't want anyone to talk like who cares?... I just Live the Life I have because maybe tomorrow I have or not? Nobody knows!
          I'm not sad because I want to I just pass a flirty smile to sadness and sadness is like okay you idiot. If I am beauty than I'm Beast too. I love myself in everysingle way because I'm unique in imperfectly way so are  you!! You know one day I will leave this or I'll die and no one will care it's life my dear love yourself take care of yourself do what you want to fake relationships are everywhere when you earn what you want your dream! than have a beautiful relationship and enjoy it
          I hope you like it and have a great day ❤️
          Te amo hermosa ♥ ️( I love you beautiful ♥️)
          ✓ Eat your meals on time and drink water ❤️
          ✓ take care of yourself because other than you nobody will ♥️
          ✓ let's have a little bit time in sun because it's way cold here ♥️
          ✓ take good sleep and complete your tasks in time ❤️
          ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ #Lifeshots


Hiiii dear ❤️
          How are you?
          ✓ Thought of the day✨♥️✨:-
          "My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the /strength of my heart and my portion forever"
          "If we live, we live for the Lord; and if we die, we die for the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord."
                               ♥️EYE -CONTACT♥️
          You know it's a beautiful thing like alot you may love that person or you loved but when you see in eyes and than you feel like hell it's hard but okay; I want to tell you to step away from that person but who I am to you now? A old bestie but it's okay now the eye contact was a blessing..... I see everything but I will not react to anything but than I love you alot also but I never will tell you also...... So dear any person you had this eye contact with?. They say eyes say alot than a mouth can and it's true ❤️.
          So let me tell you one story I was in my political science class and ma'am was seeing me continuously like what? And I was giving answers but the eye contact was good one! I felt a little bit uncomfortable but it was good!.
          You know today I met the cute lil boy again he was so cute I'm like wow he's literally way cute 
          I mean he was saying that when my school shoes will come than I will go school so bring that in February like what boy? And he once climbed the car easily and than he jumped from car to come down and he hurted himself by that but he was so innocent like way innocent..... So dear you're uhm lemme think cute, beautiful beauty, sweet and I love you alot. You know when something have to go it will go either way and even I lost many but I'm happy now because I don't care about them too now!!! I hope you like it and have a great day ❤️
          Te amo hermosa ♥ ️( I love you beautiful ♥️)
          ✓ Eat your meals on time and drink water ❤️
          ✓ If someone treats you bad don't care about them dear ❤️ they're not worth you!
          ✓ Drink some coffee it's cold I guess!
          ✓ Take good sleep and do running a little bit
          ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ #Lifeshots.