
By the way, Happy Pride! I identify as a Gray-Romantic Asexual, along with being a Demigirl! I hope you're all celebrating pride in positive ways. Whatever you identify as, please always remember that you are 100% valid! Anyways, be gay and do crime, haha! :D


By the way, Happy Pride! I identify as a Gray-Romantic Asexual, along with being a Demigirl! I hope you're all celebrating pride in positive ways. Whatever you identify as, please always remember that you are 100% valid! Anyways, be gay and do crime, haha! :D


So... I've been inactive for a while. I'm really sorry about that. Life is just crazy, to be honest. Here's a little insight: Schoolwork, ADHD, a stalker, depression, anxiety, COVID, fake friends, therapy, and little to no motivation to do anything. It's been really hard to write with all of these things, and I am sorry about that. Hopefully, things will be looking up soon! Classes end this week, and to celebrate I'll be going on a trip that was four years in the making! Plus, my birthday is coming up as well! I'll be a year older and hopefully a year wiser, haha. Remember to stay hydrated, eat some food, and stay safe and happy, everyone! :D


Hey dude, I dunno if you remember me but I remember you. I remember seeing you around on Quotev, and I wish I could have those days back. I remember a lot of the good times we had and I suddenly remembered I had this account. How are you?


@uno2otaku your tag doesn't look to be working, my tag is KanamoriKamper#5675 !


            Yikes, this reply is super late-! I'm so, so sorry about that!!
            Ohhh. Yeah, I see what you meant now! AO3 does seem pretty mature in terms of their authors and readers. They actually have pretty good fics over there! It could also be the tagging system! Wattpad and Quotev's are... Not the best, haha. So I do agree with their vocabulary being bigger and better, and with their better tagging system! (Though, I do like writing on Wattpad, as well as how you can comment anywhere on a fic.)
            Aww, thank you! I agree! Fear and paranoia just kinda get in the way, y'know? Of course! I always try to tag the best I can! And, if I don't do it properly or if someone needs a certain tag, then I am open to to! I want to be told those things! (In a not-so mean or rude way, however! TwT)
            Yeah. It's crazy to think that you would miss that sort of thing... There were bad stuff, yes. But there was more digital socialization, more time for skill learning (I was teaching myself to cook and bake!), and other stuff. I was still stressed and burnt-out and lonely, but I guess it was all somewhat balanced? Most of the time, maybe. Or maybe I'm just romanticizing it, ironically. My mental health fluctuates. It's hard to remember a lot. I do remember crying a lot more, though. I guess I can relate in terms of that.
            Mhm! And yes, I do! I'd love to chat with you there! It's different that my fanfic account user. I have a lot of internet names, haha. Sometimes I forget that I go by one thing or another, or just make up a new one entirely. Anyways, on Discord, I go by "Cake". More technical name here (if it loads): " ℂ #8823"
            If it doesn't load for you, then it's :cake-emoji: Cake (in a special font) :cake-emoji #8823. If that's difficult, then just tell me yours and I'll send you a friend request! :D


@uno2otaku It's fine, i always enjoy your replies haha.
            But I meant by mature as in a space that isn't as infested with children as wattpad, and the writing is a step up from here as there are more people with  more skills anda bigger vocabulary. And in addition, the tag system is easy and I like it.
            You should be able to write what you wanna write, as writing is supposed o be a safe space. But in terms of venting, I reccomend heavily tagging it. I highly doubt you'd get doxxed or harassed, as things that are properly tagged and especially vent work shouldn't be taken so seriously. 
            I miss lockdowns, because me and my friends would talk to no end and everyone was closer because of it. Unfortunately the pandemic took a hit at my mental health, due to not seeing actual people for like a year. 
            And same! By the way, have you gotten a Discord? I'd like to talk to you on there, if you will


So, a little late, but I wish everyone a Happy Valentine’s Day!
          Everyone deserves some love; Be it platonic, romantic, familial, or self love. You all deserve that, so let no one tell you otherwise. ♡


@shybugx17 Aww, thank you! That’s very nice of you! Same to you: You deserve all of the love as well! :D


@uno2otaku happy Valentine’s Day to you too, and you deserve all the love too!❤️


Because I study animals (or at least take classes for that), this idiotic boy comes up to me, and I kid you not, asked me:
          “So, how big is a whale’s [Redacted]? Can it [Redacted] an elephant?”
          And, mind you, I had to put up with this type of stuff for an HOUR. Excuse me while I go have a mental breakdown and count my remaining brain cells…


Hello, everyone! I've been away for a bit again... I'm sorry about that. I apologize for the metaphorical radio static. I will try to do better with the posting deadlines I have set for myself. Anyways, Happy New Year! It is not yet 2022 where I am, but I know it is for some. I hope you all have a wonderful 2022. Remember to stay safe, eat food, and drink some water. Take care, everyone! :)


@JulianaHolanda3 You’re welcome!! And thank you!! I appreciate that! ( ◠‿◠ )
            (You’re welcome! And thank you, thank you~! You’re really nice!! ^^)


@uno2otaku Thank u!! <3 I hope 2022 be such a great year to you too! (☆▽☆)
            (Thank you! o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o Your pfp is also beautiful and cute!)


@JulianaHolanda3 You’re so nice! Thank you, thank you! I hope you take care and stay safe as well! Happy New Year! I sincerely hope you enjoy your 2022!! (´ω`)b ♡
            (I also love the Nene Yashiro pfp icon, by the way! ^^)