
hey, kids.
          	i'm back. took my story down because my confidence said absolutely not, anyway get ready for updates and the eventual book 2 teaser that will arrive the moment I finish writing the intro. 
          	anyway! I love you all, and have fun writing!


hey, kids.
          i'm back. took my story down because my confidence said absolutely not, anyway get ready for updates and the eventual book 2 teaser that will arrive the moment I finish writing the intro. 
          anyway! I love you all, and have fun writing!


this message may be offensive
okay, hello, important update on acrylics and cham:
          i'm back from my trip with my daddio, so that's fun,
          anyway, you probably know that several parts of the story just... sort of vanished a few nights ago, and here's why:
          so, nothing's wrong with me, i am perfectly fine, but i did want to spend more time editing and recomposing and reworking certain things, so... yeah. 
          it will be back up soon, i swear, with more story updates and i will just kind of dump it into your laps, so definitely get ready for that. 
          anyway, love you guys a lot and thanks for putting up with my bullshit, lol.


Hi guys!
          So acrylics and cham is being postponed just for a bit owing to the fact that a) I want to get more chapters prepped, b) am currently on a motorcycle trip with my father which makes uploading difficult and c) my mental health has been fluctuating so kind of want to tend to that needy hoe a bit. 
          Anyway, I will upload stuff here and there, but will have plenty of new chapters by July 20th, and will hopefully finish with the first book of this little marauders series I'm doing, so that's a plus and keep your eyes open for that! 
          stay safe, I love all of you, and thank you for your understanding! 