
I'm sorry about the confusion guys! The story posted incorrectly and I've been trying to figure it out. Please forgive my poor, lonely soul


It’s ok <3


Omg thank you for adding my story to your list! If you love it make sure to vote for it! If you find parts you like comment on it! I do love hearing from people!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️


God yes! Sadly my is by characters so I have soooooo manyf list. 


@KuriTheElf Same honestly. Like, have you seen my lists? Most of them are unread because I keep finding new books


Yes! And that why I have so many books I am supposed to be reading. 


I decided I want to put my current story on hold and either make a different story with, of course, anime characters, cuz why not? I realized that      has no actual.. anything really so it will be condemned and reconstructed. Sorry if you actually like it.


It'll be taken down around 4 maybe tommorow


Okay so it is currently Friday, December 11, 2020. I have a book review due on the 15, the book sucks ass. I have never hated a book so badly before. Anywhore, me and my theater fam have practice again all this week because our principal desided it would be a good idea for us to proform on the day we leave for Christmas Break. That's also the day for the annual Dodgeball turnoment. Next week is going to be even more hectic. Wednesday, A girl Called Opal, our play, got third place. No one thought we'd place because of how fast it was. 30 minutes isn't so good for a One Act play. We get 45 minutes only. 
          Getting back to the topic: You
          I hope that wherever you are and whoever you are that you are safe and protected. If you need someone to vent to, and you feel like you don't have someone, I'm here. I might pass out during the conversation cause I'm just that tired, but I promise I'll get back to you.


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Don't you just love it when your parents are on your side? I mean, check it. Dad's out of the picture, mom raised me, my brother, and a couple of our cousins basically by herself always put the others before me and when my "best friend" of 9 years gets pissed at me for yelling at her for the shit she "didn't do". She tells my mother and my mother takes her side over mine! I had to apologise and was NOT happy about it. She claims she was hurt and my mother believed her... Even the "9 years best friend's" boyfriend cusses me out, calls me a bitch and says that he'd be surprised if I even loved my family.
          My mother at the end of all this: Do I make it this hard for you to come to me?
          Me: *silent
          Her: Well I guess so since you didn't answer. Wash the dishes and go to sleep
          I hope where ever you are and who ever you are, that you're having a blessed life. 


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I want to start this tradition with my school family and my Wattpad family so just bare with me, mk?
          Ight chickas, it's school time and just like every year since kindergarten, we are gonna be the bad bitches that I know we are. Yea I know, I know, shit's different but that hasn't stopped us before, right? So with that being said, I need you two to behave yourselves. Yes you, you know who you are. I hope you have fan-freaking-tastic day and I will talk with you all later️️
          So if you start school tomorrow or not I hope you have a good whatever and also
          Note, I don't remember what these are but they on my clipboard so I listen to them a lot.
          Okay that's all.
          Love you random people ❤️