
the strawberry blonde looked at the club leader, an uncomfortable pressure now building up onto her chest; her breath now becoming shaky every time she looked at the other female. she couldn’t pinpoint why. it was confusing, albeit frightening. why did this feeling creep up on her? she felt as though it had swallowed her whole. 
          she tapped her fingers together anxiously, trying her best to distract herself from this feeling. it felt like she was close to her doom, or something tragic would happen. if it didn’t look so suspicious she probably would’ve ran out of the almost empty club room, but she had to finish cleaning up from that day. 
          doing her best to ignore this feeling bubbling up inside of her chest, she continued to put away stacks of paper, pencils, and more stationery supplies in their place, so they’d be ready for the next day. despite trying to find something interesting about blank parchment paper, she still couldn’t shake the feeling. she soon finished her side of the room and turned to the club leader, the feeling worsening. 
          “i’m all done over here.” sayori tried to smile, but it looked more forced than anything else. she just hoped the other female wouldn’t have noticed it.


            monika bit her lip, carefully, sweetly. she was appealing, innocent, caring. she presented as though she wanted to show remorse. 
            her hand, trembling, feigning some of the lack of confidence her partly oblivious red-head owned, she shyly tilted her head down, eyes up, looking at sayori submissively. reaching, she pryed one of her swaying hands, only to softly hold it and accompany a gentle squeeze. "you can always talk to me, s-sayori..."
            yet she sniffled. she scoffed. a collection of sounds escaped her. it was as if she was stifling laughter, until...
            the shock came. the wave of laughter. her teeth now revealing, squarks of incomprehensible laughter and gibberish erupting harshly. the taller girl struggled to gain composure, wiping a tear with her free hand, carelessly allowing sayori's hand to fall back into her own posession. monika smiled, crazed, awake. she now watched her expression with interest, after her sociopathic outburst. 


[ @unblinkingeyes ] 
            “what do you mean? i feel fine.” she lied straight through her teeth, her slim figure starting to tremble a bit. she bit her cheek, which she often did when she was nervous. she tapped her fingers together again, her gaze now shifted to the floor, avoiding eye contact. the feeling never escaping her; only worsening. 
            “eheheh..” she laughed nervously, and started to play with her red hair bow. she didn’t like this. not one bit. her chest started to ache, the heavy pressure almost stinging, feeling like needles pricked her chest. her hands flew up to her chest as an instinct, shaky breathes escaping her glossy lips. 


monika tilted her head, intrigued. her mouth pulled into a curve, slickly, like a puppeteer was greedily hoisting her strings. thoughts racing to the pixelated text and wordy code she had unbalanced, her mind almost drove her to uncontrollable ecstasy. it felt so good. so good to get what she wanted, so good to feel accomplished, so good to-
            locks and tendrils of light hair springing and bouncing by her sides as she silently shook her head to herself, less than sane smirk staying strongly plastered on her contrasting guilt free face, she knew she was getting carried away already. time was key.
            she was patient. 
            infuriatingly slow, she opened her mouth. eyes darting, meeting the shorter and seemingly fragile-minded girl beneath her. "you can go," speaking breathily and quietly, "once you answer a question." masterfully, monika once again composed her words. she didn't care for the wettening eyes. the innocent expression, the deeply red bow- 
            smiling, now, chewing her sentence into something less sinister, "how are you feeling? you seem a little... constricted." her words were chirped and straightforward. she had chewed well. it was only a matter of time before she no longer had to deceive her old friend. 


leave me a starter 


@unblinkingeyes • 
            having.. some slice of reasonable conflict for what to do to the woman, her fingers loosened slightly, leaving her some freedom - if she tried hard enough. as soon as monika's hand left her throat, it felt as though she was drinking in the cold air, a dryness creating an uncomfortable pain in the top of her mouth. a somber-sounding sigh left her lips at the feeling of fingertips tracing every inch and crevice of her skin, exposed arms littered with dark, even some fresh, long thick cuts carved into her skin. she had bitten back her noises when she felt her soft fingers run over the ridges and impure skin of her arms. 
            the girl's breathing stopped for just a brief second as she felt said hands brush over the plush of her bottom lip and the perfectly carved curves of her cupid's bow. they parted willingly, tongue flicking the tip of her skin until she realised, staring down at her through half-lidded eyes. she refused the pleasure of a reply.. not like she could anyway at that point.
            "h.. haah.." she forced out past the mouthful, her palms almost slipping against the polished wooden desk, fingers flattening against the desk instinctively, even if it wouldn't stop anything. a gag ripped through her throat as she accidentally fell further.
            but then - she had thought back.. the disobedience and the little 'stunt' she had pulled earlier - and so, slightly crooked bottom and straight top set of teeth did the best they could to clamp down, meeting just below where the joint in her finger was. 


            subsequently, my stomach lurched. her slender hips brushing against mine, threatening to jeopardise an unavoidable realisation. tasting the sharp metallic undertones in my mouth, throat mottled, pressed mercilessly onto the hard table. pinned, hand still curved, now barely cupping, weakening, around yuri's soft exposed throat. it fell, releasing her and exhibiting a red, visible blotchiness. i endured the vigorous starvation of oxygen, legs squeezing together in hot, bothered frustration, bringing my warm hand up to her arms, fingers tracing along the soft flesh. 
            seemingly empty was my mind. expression barely shifting from impartial, green eyes flickering. my mouth started to twitch as allowed the spit to slide directly down my throat, swallowing, then opening, hardly, as far as i could to demonstrate my blatant disobedience. "sorry..." barely audible, i mumbled and coughed out. reddened lips twisting into a smile, now scarlet tinted teeth revealing, narrow fingers splayed out, reaching to outline yuri's flawless jawline. they brushed her lips, plump, caressing. 
            until they forced, unwelcomed, between her teeth, exerting what limited strength i possessed. aggressively, sliding over her bloody tongue, further until i was certain she'd retch, tinted drool oozing down my forearm. my other hand cupped the back of her head, digits sinking into the inky coloured hair so my palm gripped a fistful, tugging harshly. i took this as another chance, further ramming my hand down her throat, assertively, garnering the dripping spit as well as my dignity back. "...but you'll have to do it again".


@unblinkingeyes • 
            yuri's head tilted to the side, almost mocking at the noises - "you're enjoying this..?" she managed out, an almost smug look written a cross her face before she could hardly hold it anymore, staring at monika's parted soft lips. her own hands tightened their grip, both around the front and side of her neck, long, black nails leaving crescent moon shapes along her pale, bruising skin. she pushed her neck further into the table to stop the air flow, ignoring her own burning lungs and throat. 
            yuri's lips left one another, spit frothing as she let the long strings of reddened and tainted liquid slowly meet monika's tongue, refusing to push it out any faster, savouring the moment as monika submitted to her in those seconds. "/don't/.. s-swallow.." grunts left her lips as she leaned into feminine but slowly weakening hands, shifting as she let her hips slowly lower, resting atop the others waist, bent legs placed next to eachother. 
            there was nothing else but here. this room, messily placed posters, the breezing blowing their hair forward and the burning in their lungs. yuri's exposed collarbone, the curve of her jawline, the useless, unbuttoned white shirt that hid any dignity she had left, hitched up blue skirt and her slowly dampening underwear. but there was a lack of shame in the girl, just excitement and pure lack of concern. 
            she used her tongue to push out the remaining spit in her mouth, before reeling it back into her mouth, swiping it gently along her teeth as she made a sudden movement; subtly grinding her hips against the others. she didn't care if it was pathetic. she needed the release, whether it be small or even just for seconds.. 