
what if i came back... just to post some good kamukoma... bc god knows this place needs it


its both a good and bad idea, being honest


...uh yeah
          so basically this is what we’ve missed. 
          - somehow had a weird 2000’s alt phase
          - now i’m super into 90-2000s industrial 
          - haven’t heard a full kpop song since 2018 
          - got addicted to the sims again
          - around december 19 i got into 
          dr again after 3 years
          - in late march i got goodbye despair
          - a week ago i bought v3 
          in all not much but i’ve been gone for nearly a year and it was strangely... refreshing 


my sense of humor also got way worse


username change 
          driverchoi > ujumakis 
          im not going to be active on here until i feel i get to a point that i can post works confidently and not care about how many votes or views or comments, but just to post stories for fun. i really like the write and i think it’s fun because i get so many ideas but also, my CRIPPLING SELF ESTEEM ISSUES GET IN THE WAY CONSTANTLY so that’s why i never post any type of ... anything anymore. i really lost interest in kpop but still listen to it, just don’t really watch idol shows or anything like that anymore. i’ve gotten into jojo’s bizarre adventure quite recently and naruto has entered my fandom list again, and i’ve also started really liking brockhampton. if i ever do decide that i’m ready to post things, it’s going to either be original stories or my jjba fanmade part that i really think is stupid but also really cool, but also really stupid (this is what i’m talking about i am not very confident in anything i do eugh). anyways, this is my little goodbye for like 4 months... even though i’ve been gone for already a long time, whatever. 
          if you want to hmu on social media:
          tellonym / zaddysasori 
          instagram / zaddysasori ; spam / gonetoheavenspam
          twitter / ujumakis 
          tumblr / zaddysasori 


to be honest. im not into kpop as much as i was before, and i have 3 stories i want to write (one original, one marvel, one naruto,,,,) but im kinda scared of judgement but at the same time i REALLY couldnt care less if they do bad, especially since im barely on this app. so expect me to post a chapter of an original book twice a month tee hee