
Are werewolves book interesting?


Hello folks - I will not be updating frequently (which I never did but tried) as school has restarted. *Sigh* I am not ready for this, even though I'm not going back to school physically at all. 
          This has been a tough year. That's all I'm going to say.


I republished Chapter 13, so be sure to check it out. Personally, again, I believe it is ten times better than the previous one. 
          Also, thank you @blazingred_28 for accompanying us in Knox's and Anastasia's journey and voting in the preceding chapters. I appreciate it very much. I hope you will follow their journey to the end. 
          Please check out their story as well!


No worries @blazingred_28! Have an amazing day and stay safe as well!


You are welcome, love. Although do forgive me for not being able to comment. I have some really good stuff to say just not getting the time to write it all down. But, don’t worry you’ll see them all soon. Have a nice day and stay safe!!


Chapter 12 of Anastasia is out! Thank you to @euphoriclynn for being a devoted leader to the first book in the Forever After Series. Go check out their work!


            This is what happens when you don't read what you write. 
            (P.S. - I have not edited Chapter 12 yet unlike the previous chapters. I can't wait to find the mistakes my stupid self made while writing. By the way, I want to let you know something, this was the hardest chapter to write so far in the whole book so far. I don't know why. It just was. I struggled. Very. Much. I struggled to the point where I just watched tv shows relating to hospitals which led to other movies as I was not aware of what to write. It was when I finished watching the move when I realized what I was supposed to do.  
            What I was watching: All the Jurrasic Park movies because I do not know how to utilize my time properly.)
            Thank you for spending some precious moments of your time to read this useless information.